your smartphone history?


Forum Disorders M.D.,Ph.D
Nov 6, 2006
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How many of you have had more than one smartphone? What did you own?
my history was very long:

Samsung Galaxy SII - 2012
HTC Incredible S - 2012
HTC Evo 3D - 2011
iPhone 4 - 2011
Google G2 - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G Slide - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G - 2010
Motorola Flipside - 2010
Google G1 - 2008
You're had more than one phone already this year? :eek3: Wow...

I've never had a smartphone. I just have a dumb old tracfone. But, I'm hoping to save up and get an android tablet :D
How many of you have had more than one smartphone? What did you own?
my history was very long:

Samsung Galaxy SII - 2012
HTC Incredible S - 2012
HTC Evo 3D - 2011
iPhone 4 - 2011
Google G2 - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G Slide - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G - 2010
Motorola Flipside - 2010
Google G1 - 2008

Wow! Dislike iPhone?? :(
I do not remember what year but i had motorola. Sidekick. SidekickLX and now htc evo shift
Wyndtell RIM 950 pager - 1998
Scottwireless RIM 850 pager - 2002
T-mobile Sidekick (B&W) - 2002
T-Mobile Sidekick (Color) - 2004
T-Mobile Sidekick 2 - 2006
Blackberry monochrome - 2007 for business
AT&T Tilt (8925) - 2007
AT&T iPhone 3GS - 2009
AT&T iPhone 4 - 2010
I don't remember all the phones!

But I miss the days of playing Bob's Lake of Doom on my husband's Sidekick.
nokia 3310, samsung sliding brickshit (cant remmy model), then a samsung clamshell (nice but it will not work in 1 months time), so im after a new mob- a Motorola Razr Maxx! finally a fucking decent mobile after all this year in the shell with the shittiest fuckboxes...
How many of you have had more than one smartphone? What did you own?
my history was very long:

Samsung Galaxy SII - 2012
HTC Incredible S - 2012
HTC Evo 3D - 2011
iPhone 4 - 2011
Google G2 - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G Slide - 2011
T-mobile myTouch 3G - 2010
Motorola Flipside - 2010
Google G1 - 2008

you have too much money
Nokia 3300 - 2003-2004 (Cingular)
Sidekick 2 - 2004-2006 (T-Mobile)
Sidekick 3 - 2006-2008 (T-Mobile)
iPhone - 2008 (AT&T)
Motorola Q9h - 2008 (AT&T)
HTC Tilt - 2008 (AT&T)
HTC Mogul - 2008 (Sprint)
Blackberry 8800 - 2008 (AT&T)
Samsung Blackjack II - 2008 (AT&T)
iPhone 3G - 2008 (AT&T)
Blackberry Curve 8330 - 2008 (Verizon)
Motorola Droid - 2010 (Verizon)
iPhone 4 - 2010 (AT&T)
iPhone 4S - 2011 (AT&T)
RIM pager
AOL pager
Sidekick (Color)
Sidekick II
Sidekick 3
Sidekick LX
Blackberry Curve 8330
iphone 3GS for a short time, then exchange for iphone 4.

Soon iphone 5.
2009-Samsung Behold
2009-Blackberry Storm 1
2010-Blackberry Storm 2
2010-Motorola Droid 1
2011-(something replaced the D1 for like 3 weeks)
2011-Motorola Droid Bionic
2012-Motorola Droid Razr
2012-Samsung Galaxy Note :D
2009-Samsung Behold
2009-Blackberry Storm 1
2010-Blackberry Storm 2
2010-Motorola Droid 1
2011-(something replaced the D1 for like 3 weeks)
2011-Motorola Droid Bionic
2012-Motorola Droid Razr
2012-Samsung Galaxy Note :D

how you like the Razr?
nokia 3310, samsung sliding brickshit (cant remmy model), then a samsung clamshell (nice but it will not work in 1 months time), so im after a new mob- a Motorola Razr Maxx! finally a fucking decent mobile after all this year in the shell with the shittiest fuckboxes...

In bold, the Verizon version is running Android 2.3.5 - Gingerbread.

I'm getting Galaxy Nexus from delivery later in today or tomorrow and it is running Android 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich.
In bold, the Verizon version is running Android 2.3.5 - Gingerbread.

I'm getting Galaxy Nexus from delivery later in today or tomorrow and it is running Android 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich.

You will like 4.0.4, Galaxy Nexus is solid performer. AOKP custom modifications add extended features google hasn't added like navigation button colors, glow effect, change button, DPI/resolution resizing, etc. I am a developer over at xda and have added some of their gnex/AOKP source code to some roms I've made for other devices.

No expandable storage though, does not have microSD slot if you care about it.

Are you getting GSM or Verizon GNex?
Nokia (can't remember which model number): 2001
Nokia 7210: 2003
Blackberry 7100v: 2005
Sidekick 3: 2008
Blackberry 9700: 2010 (Still using this one)
Palm i705 - 2002 (I was sad, Palm Network service shut down)
Sony T63i - 2003
Sony T600 - 2004 (horrible)
Nokia 6800 - 2004 (BEST and long running)
Nokia 6820 - 2006
Palm Treo 700p - 2006 (BEST, too but display broke and Sprint doesn't have in stock to replace. Damnit!)
Palm Centro - 2008 (WORST)
Palm Pre - 2009 and still had since (Happy, but it's not powerful lately)
Nokia 3300 - 2003-2004 (Cingular)
Sidekick 2 - 2004-2006 (T-Mobile)
Sidekick 3 - 2006-2008 (T-Mobile)
iPhone - 2008 (AT&T)
Motorola Q9h - 2008 (AT&T)
HTC Tilt - 2008 (AT&T)
HTC Mogul - 2008 (Sprint)
Blackberry 8800 - 2008 (AT&T)
Samsung Blackjack II - 2008 (AT&T)
iPhone 3G - 2008 (AT&T)
Blackberry Curve 8330 - 2008 (Verizon)
Motorola Droid - 2010 (Verizon)
iPhone 4 - 2010 (AT&T)
iPhone 4S - 2011 (AT&T)

Didn't you had Palm Pre for few weeks?