Your opinion on a young woman shaving her head?


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Oct 24, 2012
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Wirelessly posted

Some of you may have seen this before, but I want to elaborate on this a bit more:

I've been diagnosed with female pattern baldness (which is same as male baldness but not as extensive) at 15/16 and now I'm 18. Of course, since the onset started so early, I lost more than 75% of my hair.

Candidly, it was very traumatic for me todeal with, particularly this summer of 2012. I didn't have any special plans to do at that time, so I was being reclusive, meaning I stayed in my house all summer long. But I remembered that I used to scruntize my hair every single morning and night. It was terrifying because I was slowly coming to the realization that I indeed have female baldness. But most of the summer, I was in denial so this has been aggravating my pent-up emotions and thus culminated to the "almost" peak of my anxiety. I was on verge of having a breakdown - I even remember feeling so anxious, it is so crystal clear an this was one of the worst summers ever in my life. I went to a doctor and it's confirmed that it's due to genetics and there's nothing I can do about it.

That's when my bottle of pent-up emotions shattered and all of that maelstrom was released into the form of breakdowns. I used to cry over this every day until I became occupied with my new job.

But I know that I will go bald slowly later in my life, so instead of painfully watching this cruel, agonizing issue, I have decided to shave it off and wear a human hair wig. I have already embraced it and am actually excited to do this - I don't mind being bald, I would rather be than having to watch my hair slowly fall out.

The problem is that I've told my friends and family members, and all of them have vehemently disagreed with me therefore resulting in arguments. What is ironic about this is that my family also has this condition and they have already dealt with it by accepting it. I've already accepted my condition, but I will not let it control my life. They called my decision, "utterly stupid."

FML - I want to focus on my education, not my hair loss. I know that only I deal with this, but it seems that my hair loss is taking control of my mind and is driving me to utter insanity.

I love my family because they have supported me through the hard times in my life but not my hair loss. Ugh I don't know what to do. They said I can go ahead to do it since I'm now 18 (my bday was two days ago) but I don't want to do it without their support.
Well, up to you. You are young. You are lucky that you can make your own decision. Go for it.
Wirelessly posted

I also don't want to go to family counsellong - I suggested that when we, as the family, was having a problem and they refused to go.
It is your body and you can do with it what you want, so long as it isn't self-harm. If it is especially difficult for you because of the obviousness of HA's, I say, GO FOR IT!! :fly2: Seems like your family is -- just a tad-- too controlling.
Don't you have a CI? Will wearing a wig interfere with it at all?
Maybe they don't want you to wear a wig because wigs are generally ridiculed in society. However, society also makes fun of women who are not beautiful, even if women cannot choose to be born with a beautiful face.

I don't think you should have to feel anxious all the time because you are worried about your hair loss. If being bald isn't part of the public image you have in mind, then don't let something you have no control over control how other people perceive you.

I think it's excellent that you have accepted that you have female balding and are willing to explore your options.
Just shave it . You are 18 so it is your right.

I don't blame them for not wanting family counseling . Sounds like you are being a bit manipulative.

They don't have to like it or approve. When you are 18, you are an adult, so just grow up and make your own decisions.
You do what you need to do. If your family do not like your idea, oh well too bad. It's your life! Do what you want and do what makes you happy.
Wirelessly posted

Some of you may have seen this before, but I want to elaborate on this a bit more:

I've been diagnosed with female pattern baldness (which is same as male baldness but not as extensive) at 15/16 and now I'm 18. Of course, since the onset started so early, I lost more than 75% of my hair.

Candidly, it was very traumatic for me todeal with, particularly this summer of 2012. I didn't have any special plans to do at that time, so I was being reclusive, meaning I stayed in my house all summer long. But I remembered that I used to scruntize my hair every single morning and night. It was terrifying because I was slowly coming to the realization that I indeed have female baldness. But most of the summer, I was in denial so this has been aggravating my pent-up emotions and thus culminated to the "almost" peak of my anxiety. I was on verge of having a breakdown - I even remember feeling so anxious, it is so crystal clear an this was one of the worst summers ever in my life. I went to a doctor and it's confirmed that it's due to genetics and there's nothing I can do about it.

That's when my bottle of pent-up emotions shattered and all of that maelstrom was released into the form of breakdowns. I used to cry over this every day until I became occupied with my new job.

But I know that I will go bald slowly later in my life, so instead of painfully watching this cruel, agonizing issue, I have decided to shave it off and wear a human hair wig. I have already embraced it and am actually excited to do this - I don't mind being bald, I would rather be than having to watch my hair slowly fall out.

The problem is that I've told my friends and family members, and all of them have vehemently disagreed with me therefore resulting in arguments. What is ironic about this is that my family also has this condition and they have already dealt with it by accepting it. I've already accepted my condition, but I will not let it control my life. They called my decision, "utterly stupid."

FML - I want to focus on my education, not my hair loss. I know that only I deal with this, but it seems that my hair loss is taking control of my mind and is driving me to utter insanity.

I love my family because they have supported me through the hard times in my life but not my hair loss. Ugh I don't know what to do. They said I can go ahead to do it since I'm now 18 (my bday was two days ago) but I don't want to do it without their support.

I think it's unfortunate that this has caused you to be house bound, although as a woman, I do understand it. With regard to shaving your head, it's your head and your life so just shave it and let others (family and friends) just deal with it. You don't need understanding from your family or a bunch of strangers on the Internet to determine how you want to live your life. BTW, Strong, very sorry to learn that the doctor confirmed it, I appreciate how hard it must be. I'd see a counselor, shave your head and celebrate if that's what you want. You don't need approval for coming to terms with this. Good for you....

Best wishes,

You know, a baldacious woman isn't necessarily eccentric, but she certainly is exceptional, so say it aloud: "I'm bald and I'm proud!"
It is your head and I see no reason to ask to other how they feel about you going bald. I knew a woman that shaved all her hair as she wanted to be bald . She had a very nice shape head and and looked good bald. I really think your famliy should be thinking about how you feel about losing your hair and not about how they feel as they are not living with it. It is about you and your famliy and friend should support you in this. It is not like you're doing anything
illegal . I say go for it , people will get over it , life will still go on.
I know this is a different situation, but where I live there are lots of young women who shave their heads and wear wigs for religious reasons (chassidic Jews). They look really pretty and have different styles, from bobs to ponytails. So you see there are actually lots of bald young women out there. :)
I don't know who she is, but she's very cute... I love her smile and her eyes.

I found her picture on this Flickr site and maybe some of the other lovely bald ladies on there will inspire you that you can do it too?
Is one of the reason for females "going bald" being thrifty? Gee how much is saved beauty parlours etc?
First of all its your and your body, do what make's you happy and its none of their business.
Have you thought about getting your head tattooed? there are lots of really cool Head tattoos out there.
It depends on the people you wish to attract. You can go with the punk look to get that type of crowd if you want it.
Experiment with different head gear, wigs and hair pieces, even being bald is an option in this day and age. Think out of the box, you don't see a problem, you see potential.
Have you seen the model Amber Rose? Her head isn't totally shaved( she has a very short hairdo, I mean minimal) and she really looks kickazz. She dresses to be noticed, has her own style. I would say go ahead and go for it. Now as far as employment goes, there will be companies who will see it as unprofessional if you go without a wig.

After you do it, get a makeover do you can realize emphasize your beauty. Your eyes will really stand out! I like your ideas....
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You know what, hair grow back faster than you think.

Just DO it.
