Your Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated!

Don't try to make yourself a "victim" here. We all know that you constantly try to stress your beliefs upon us and influence our "decisions" with what we want to do with our lives. I agree with beach girl. What you've been doing is completely unnecessary. A debate is fine, but the way you talk about your beliefs is almost like you're scolding us for making our own choices.

If there is an audist point of view, you bet I am going to call it out. Nobody should be passive in this regard.
If there is an audist point of view, you bet I am going to call it out. Nobody should be passive in this regard.

And if there's a Luddite point of view, I'll point it out.

C'mon now. It's usually a sign someone's losing the argument when they resort to calling names because of differing opinions.
Not even close...

But she's a high school student. Go find someone closer to your age, you old fart.

eh? what? a high school student? mein gott! I am disgusted at myself.

If there is an audist point of view, you bet I am going to call it out. Nobody should be passive in this regard.

Guess you've got "plausible deniability" that you didn't exactly particularly call me personally a name - but yes, tossing around "audist point of view" is name-calling, when all it really means is "people who disagree with me about using technology to hear."
Guess you've got "plausible deniability" that you didn't exactly particularly call me personally a name - but yes, tossing around "audist point of view" is name-calling, when all it really means is "people who disagree with me about using technology to hear."

I replied directly to lana, and I replied directly to you. That is all there is to it.

You still haven't replied to my previous post towards you, and that's fine. And hey, it's not about what you think it is. I pointed it out.
Guys can you please stop with the flaming, trolling and insults, I really dont want to have to close this thread but I will if I have to. Everyone is always going to disagree on this, but please do not come here and bash peoples point of views because it is not your own.

Thank You
There are many advantages to getting a ci, and no matter what you decide, you are still Deaf. A piece of technology does not change who you are or your culture.
That's fine if you've already established your identity and know who you are. The problem is that the decision to implant is being made by parents for very young children who grow up between cultures. They're not really accepted as hearing by the hearing world because, let's face it, they're not hearing and everybody knows it (for a number of reasons), but they're not really Deaf either because they haven't learned the language or the culture.

I think it would be wonderful if everybody with a CI was simply regarded as deaf, because despite the technological assistance, I think they would find a much better fit in Deaf culture than in hearing culture.

For the record, I am a hearing parent with a Deaf son who will make his own decision regarding implants once he is old enough to fully explain the benefits and risks of cochlear implants. In the meantime, the family is continuing to learn sign language, and we incorporate it in our daily lives.
For the record, I am a hearing parent with a Deaf son who will make his own decision regarding implants once he is old enough to fully explain the benefits and risks of cochlear implants. In the meantime, the family is continuing to learn sign language, and we incorporate it in our daily lives.

I think I love you!! :)

I like what I see.....

Down boy! She is a high school student!:lol:
That's fine if you've already established your identity and know who you are. The problem is that the decision to implant is being made by parents for very young children who grow up between cultures. They're not really accepted as hearing by the hearing world because, let's face it, they're not hearing and everybody knows it (for a number of reasons), but they're not really Deaf either because they haven't learned the language or the culture.

I think it would be wonderful if everybody with a CI was simply regarded as deaf, because despite the technological assistance, I think they would find a much better fit in Deaf culture than in hearing culture.

For the record, I am a hearing parent with a Deaf son who will make his own decision regarding implants once he is old enough to fully explain the benefits and risks of cochlear implants. In the meantime, the family is continuing to learn sign language, and we incorporate it in our daily lives.

Thanks, MM!:ty: I'm glad that you are around now. I don't have to keep saying the same things over and over to these inquiries. I just let you answer and say "Me, too!"
Anyone watch the near ending of the celebrity apprentice and what Marley had to say about giving hearing aids to kids?

It was a very emotional for me to see the kids smile and that one girl saying "mama" for the first time.
t seems a strange way to go through life, wondering what would happen if something breaks. I buy a new car; if it breaks down miles from home, I'm stranded. I buy a house; if it blows away in a hurricane, I'm homeless. I buy new glasses; if they get broken, I can't see well enough to drive.
On the other hand......PFH is NOT bashing the CI. He's pointing out that a kid raised with auditory verbal or speech only is SOL if their HA or CI malfunctions, or isn't in perfect listening conditions.
Besides, with your other examples, you have alternative ways of doing stuff. But if a kid is trained to only function with speech and listening (meaning not even speechreading!) with a CI or HA, and something happens......they are shit out of luck. For example, my senoir year of high school, I dropped the aids (had something called a canalplasty b/c I was born without ear canals and eardrums, so my hearing improved. I did well b/c although I didn't have ASL (didn't learn til college) I could speechread very well, and I also had decent residual hearing even without my aids.
On the other hand......PFH is NOT bashing the CI. He's pointing out that a kid raised with auditory verbal or speech only is SOL if their HA or CI malfunctions, or isn't in perfect listening conditions.
Besides, with your other examples, you have alternative ways of doing stuff. But if a kid is trained to only function with speech and listening (meaning not even speechreading!) with a CI or HA, and something happens......they are shit out of luck. For example, my senoir year of high school, I dropped the aids (had something called a canalplasty b/c I was born without ear canals and eardrums, so my hearing improved. I did well b/c although I didn't have ASL (didn't learn til college) I could speechread very well, and I also had decent residual hearing even without my aids.

If people take it easy, chill, look back at my posts - they would be able to see what you see too. Thank you for being able.
for very young children who grow up between cultures. They're not really accepted as hearing by the hearing world because, let's face it, they're not hearing and everybody knows it (for a number of reasons), but they're not really Deaf either because they haven't learned the language or the culture.
MM, Agreed 100%. One of the worst things that Deaf Ed did was forget about audilogically hoh kids or assume that hoh kids were more hearing then Deaf. Hoh kids CAN be "almost hearing" but many of us fit right in the middle....and a lot of us may even strongly identify as "almost Deaf" even thou we may not have a severe or profound loss.
There are some parents who actually get it...which is freakign AMAZING....On another board, there's a mom who has actually talked to deaf adults who grew up oral.....she said they didn't feel like they fit in with hearing people but also didn't fit in with Deaf people. Which is why she decided to give ASL and Deaf culture to her hoh kids.
If there is an audist point of view, you bet I am going to call it out. Nobody should be passive in this regard.

As will I. And, it appears to me that only those that are unsure of their own audism are offended by such.:cool2:
I don't blame PFH for feeling that way. My hub could have risked his job due to the CI being lost. He siad if CI is lost and he could have back up with HA but His residental hearing is GONE for good. He is out of luck. Lucky that he has an worn out CI for now while we are trying hard to deal with stupid insurnace to see if they can pay for it or not. we can't afford to pay 8 thousants. my hub admits that he likes CI but he wishes he could know about how hassles with CI for insurance purpose and know how much it costs he may have thought twice but now hes stuck that he NEEDED CI since his residental heairng is damaged by the DR. oh well.

not pickin on ya but it's residual not residental;)