Your form of communication?

Your form of communication?

  • Oral only

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Sign langauge and Oral

    Votes: 33 70.2%
  • Sign Langauge only

    Votes: 6 12.8%

  • Total voters
Malfoyish said:
Oh, but you can't deny having gotten a kick out of my beating the hell out of the smoke detector...and then the thudding of any and all other objects as they fell off the walls...

:lol: Okay, that was nice. I admit it.

Uh huh, I'm sure. And there's always that pottymouth you know you can depend on... :)
Malfoyish said:
Uh huh, I'm sure. And there's always that pottymouth you know you can depend on... :)

Uh, don't go there!

*mutters* Damn Liza, and her Norsk!

both for me too! I grew up pretty much oral, although narrowly missed learning ASL at an early age.. Parents started learning it for me but were dissauded by the next door neighbor was Deaf and used Sign (she went to American School for the Deaf) ...had we NOT moved I'd be fluent in ASL right now! I want to go to Gally for grad school (if I can get into it!) and become totally fluent in ASL before I turn 30!
Heh, I'm a reserved person, and I do not use my voice a lot when I meet new people apart from the usual 'how are you?' 'my name is....' Hello and Bye. :)

I sign a lot when I'm around deafies. Use both with family. More of a TC person, I guess.

Wonder if I can learn to speak Norsk?
I vote both Oral and Sign language, I grew up oral and learned sign language very late in my childhood. ;)

Is that right Malfy?-- that you been screaming at your own poor kids? Awwwww
Cheri said:
Is that right Malfy?-- that you been screaming at your own poor kids? Awwwww

It's true. She screams at the kids. She screams at the pets. I've tried to tell her how bad that is, but does she listen to me? NO!!!

She listens to NO ONE. She's such an incorrible child. :::::sighs::::::

Oceanbreeze said:
It's true. She screams at the kids. She screams at the pets. I've tried to tell her how bad that is, but does she listen to me? NO!!!

She listens to NO ONE. She's such an incorrible child. :::::sighs::::::


I take after you, perhaps?

I might also remind you that incorrigibility is incurable. Screaming is healthy, damn it. Would you rather I bottle up my frustrations inside? NO, ma'am, that's not wise and you know it. ;) Tee hee hee.
I would say sign language with oral or sign languages...

I grew up at deaf culture because I spent years at boarding school and use sign language strong without voice...

I use oral and sign language at hearing world... I´m good lipreader...

With deaf, I sign without voice...
With hearing, I sign/oral with voice...

It does automaic when I communicate with hearing or deaf people.
Malfoyish said:
I take after you, perhaps?

I might also remind you that incorrigibility is incurable. Screaming is healthy, damn it. Would you rather I bottle up my frustrations inside? NO, ma'am, that's not wise and you know it. ;) Tee hee hee.

You take after me? Sorry, dear, but no.

For one thing, screaming at someone/something it's my style. I seethe. Then, when I'm good and pissed off, I get back at the person! :lol:

Now, am I incorrigible? Hell, yes! I've got my mind made up that I'm going to be a certain way, and that's it, damn it. There's absolutely no trying to get me to change, because, it's simply not going to happen. Either you accept me as I am, or get the hell out of my damn face!

That's me .. You can either love me, or hate me. I really don't care. And, that's what makes me incorrigible. :mrgreen:

I do both ways.

But when it comes to sign language, I only use SEE and some PSE! :)
Oceanbreeze said:
It's true. She screams at the kids. She screams at the pets. I've tried to tell her how bad that is, but does she listen to me? NO!!!

She listens to NO ONE. She's such an incorrible child. :::::sighs::::::


:rofl: :rofl: I never saw that side of Malfy in person, I haven't seen her once screamed at her kids :giggle:

So, Malfy you got another side of you? :rofl:
Um... the post is somewhat on topic, it does relate to communication.

First off, I voted for both, because I use both. I use sign with deafies, voice with hearies, and both if with both, (as I had to do today, SimCom is not my favorite thing, especially when trying to use ASL, even PSE gets complicated when speaking, all the conceptual acuracy...anyway, lol).

I "pah" went to CSUN today, my school for this fall, on a tour, and there were two deafies in the group with us with interpreters. Both had some oral skills, the girl's skills were pretty good, the guy's were ok. I understood him when he signed and spoke, and only sometimes if he just spoke. Anyway, when he asked a question, which he purposefully asked through the interpreter, he would often voice. I have noticed this with a few other deafies when they are using interpreters. Problem what? The interpreter is trying to talk OVER the deaf person, this can be really difficult. Sometimes the interpreter can't be heard, sometimes trying to focus through the sound is hard. Why do some deafies do this, is it just the habit of speaking with hearing people? Should the interpreters mention that this makes their job a lil bit harder? Just curious on your thoughts.

P.S. CSUN was great! Kinda cold today but it is a NICE campus, it has the biggest library I have ever seen, it looked like the size of the Supreme Court. Other than that it was still cool, didn't get a chance to see the NCOD though, (snaps fingers)
I vote for both. Signer to answer your question why do some deaf people sign and use voice sametime. I can give you answer, I use my voice when use sign language to my brother or mother all the time because they cant understand sign language perfectly without hear voice sometimes there is signs that may have same sign but different meanings. They need me to use voice when sign. I dont know why but that how they get used to it. I dont use voice when talk to interpreter or anywhere outside when use sign and voice same time. BUT I do lot of oral when am around hearings especially at work since I am only deaf there. At one of my old job that I used to work for, They sometimes called me whenever deaf customer ask for help or when the employee try to explain something to them. I had to interpret for deaf even I am full deaf and know what they say because I can read lips most of times. Lot of deaf people couldnt understand by lip read sometimes even some dont do lip read at all.

Lot of hearing people dont undestand why some deafies scream even when deaf person didnt know they did scream. I have always got on for screaming when I was not aware of it because I have no acknowledges of how control my voice. Lot of time I dont feel my voice but they say I did scream. IT surely get on my nerves when they say I scream when I didnt know I did.
I have always got on for screaming when I was not aware of it because I have no acknowledges of how control my voice. Lot of time I dont feel my voice but they say I did scream. IT surely get on my nerves when they say I scream when I didnt know I did.
That's exactly why I am anti-oral only. It's too fucking hard to know how to modulate your voice! I mean most of the time I talk OK, but a lot of times, like when I'm tired, upset or stressed emoitionally my voice goes all over the place! I can't count the number of times that I've been yelled at in the libary b/c I thought I was talking softly but was in actuallity talking loudly.
Shiva said:
I vote for both. Signer to answer your question why do some deaf people sign and use voice sametime. I can give you answer, I use my voice when use sign language to my brother or mother all the time because they cant understand sign language perfectly without hear voice sometimes there is signs that may have same sign but different meanings. They need me to use voice when sign. I dont know why but that how they get used to it. I dont use voice when talk to interpreter or anywhere outside when use sign and voice same time. BUT I do lot of oral when am around hearings especially at work since I am only deaf there. At one of my old job that I used to work for, They sometimes called me whenever deaf customer ask for help or when the employee try to explain something to them. I had to interpret for deaf even I am full deaf and know what they say because I can read lips most of times. Lot of deaf people couldnt understand by lip read sometimes even some dont do lip read at all.
Shiva, thank you for answering my question. I TOTALLY understand using voice and sign to communicate when not using an interpreter, or talking with both deaf and hearing people. I find it somewhat difficult to do, but sometimes it is the best thing. It is only when using an interpreter that speaking can get complicated, because an interpreter has to interpret what you r saying, and some times a deaf person's voice isn't clear, so whether the interpreter voices over the deaf person or not, the message doesn't get across.

Shiva said:
Lot of hearing people dont undestand why some deafies scream even when deaf person didnt know they did scream. I have always got on for screaming when I was not aware of it because I have no acknowledges of how control my voice. Lot of time I dont feel my voice but they say I did scream. IT surely get on my nerves when they say I scream when I didnt know I did.
I realize that deaf people can't always modulate their voices, it would be kinda hard to know how loud u r when you can't hear yourself, (duh, seems like an obvious concept). I'm sorry ppl get on ur case for screaming, that's just... stupid. Personally, I usually prefer that in communication, at least at first, deafies don't voice. I am learning sign, and my receptive skills are pretty good. I usually don't like deafies to voice for 1 of 2 reasons:

1. I want to learn sign, and if I hear a clear voice, I automatically depend on that instead of the signs. I don't want to, but I can't help it, it happens.
2. This is not meant offensively to anyone, but as I said to Meg, I believe, in another thread, deafies voices often times sound like the voices of mentally retarded people. Now, I can almost always tell the difference, I have heard enough deafie voices, but that thought still comes to mind; the less clear the voice, the more that message comes acros. I KNOW deafies have the same intelligence level as hearies, and that is what I want to see, and if they sign more fluently than that speak, I would prefer to use that as my way to communicate so I can more accurately judge their intelligence when I meet them. Does that make sense?
I mean, deaf voices don't bother me, I am quite used to them, I love hearing the way someone speaks after getting to know them. But with anyone, I want to use the best communication method possible, and if it is sign instead of speech, I prefer sign. Once I have gotten to know somone, I do want to hear their voice, and I find it cool and fun to hear them speak.
That said, lol, there is a deaf teacher at my school, who apparently voices very well, but he will NOT voice on campus. His English is EXTREMELY good, he's 5th generation deaf, and he fluently in both in PSE and ASL. So many students want him to voice, just because people get curious when they haven't heard someone's voice. He is a CEO of a company, where he both speaks and signs, so if a student REALLY wanted to hear his voice, they could visit him at his office, or call and hear it, (he voices while an interpreter signs) but nobody has. There is such a respect for him, I guess people feel they don't NEED to hear it. There is some, I hate to say this, but some vulnerability and weakness in hearing a deaf person speak,... I don't know, I can't explain it. I don't know if I'm making any sense, I don't want to offend anyone, but that's just me being brutally honest.
I vote for both. Signer to answer your question why do some deaf people sign and use voice sametime. I can give you answer, I use my voice when use sign language to my brother or mother all the time because they cant understand sign language perfectly without hear voice sometimes there is signs that may have same sign but different meanings. They need me to use voice when sign. I dont know why but that how they get used to it. I dont use voice when talk to interpreter or anywhere outside when use sign and voice same time. BUT I do lot of oral when am around hearings especially at work since I am only deaf there. At one of my old job that I used to work for, They sometimes called me whenever deaf customer ask for help or when the employee try to explain something to them. I had to interpret for deaf even I am full deaf and know what they say because I can read lips most of times. Lot of deaf people couldnt understand by lip read sometimes even some dont do lip read at all.

Lot of hearing people dont undestand why some deafies scream even when deaf person didnt know they did scream. I have always got on for screaming when I was not aware of it because I have no acknowledges of how control my voice. Lot of time I dont feel my voice but they say I did scream. IT surely get on my nerves when they say I scream when I didnt know I did.

Talking and signing at the same time messes up both languages. It is not recommended.

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