Your favorite... question game

Working with youths.

What's your favourite hobby?
I could easily sum it up the Mall :giggle: but I figure you're expecting a more specific store... hmm... GAP, Aberocrombie, Disney and Bath and Body Works is a must when I am in the US :D

What's your favorite milkshake flavor?
Sorry don't eat ice-cream, so I'll leave this question open to the next person checking this thread <wink> JL.
bf never wants to play Scrabble :( Maybe I should invite you to come to France so we can play :giggle:

Favorite pizza topping, hmmm? tough...

mushroom, ham and sausage

What's your favorite pancake? American or French version? ;)
Of course the french version - Crêpes are the best! :)

What did you want to become when you was a child?
Architect or English Teacher... ;) I'm now working in an architect's office :giggle: (but I'm not an architect)

What is your favorite number?
i like any berries. i would say, strawberry!

have you ever tasted the dark chocolate with almonds? do tell!