My Grandma's (real mom's side) 2nd cousin (I think) had 2 set of twins and 1 set of triplet and one child, make it total to 8 kids (I can't remember a whole story, but I have to ask again grin)
My real mom lost twins before me. I am not sure if she was telling me truth.
My dad's older brother was twin but his brother died 3 days after birth (heart defect I think). So any one of us may have another twin in future.
My husband's family...not recall if they have any twins or triplets.
I don't mind to have twins myself, but I doubt it.
I have a friend just had her twins...Fraternal boys. SO CUTE!

I have met a few who are twins.
I've met cute boys! Now they are probably college by now...

(I used to work in grocery store, and I see them weekly

) They made me smile when I see them cuz they were too cute!