Just keep in mind that the cheaper the aids, the fewer options will be included. NOT to say you have to spend $6,000, but look carefully at what you are getting for the money. It's cheaper in the long run to get a more advanced pair that has some "headroom" for future adjustments, rather than buying a cheaper pair where you are already at the top hearing loss of what it can handle.
The advice to suit your lifestyle is well worth keeping in mind. Working in a fast-food restaurant, you'll want to look at aids that are water (steam) and soil (grease) resistant. Do you like to listen to music on an iPod? You might want a Streamer or a similar accessory.
How are you doing on the phone? You will probably want a T-coil, as those will help with the phone plus with a variety of loop systems. You might want HAs that instantly switch telephone reception in both ears when you bring the phone near one aid.
You might find this site useful:
There are some pages about what to expect, types of aids and accessories available, etc.
www.hearingplanet.com might be useful too.
And of course you can go to the manufacturers' web sites: Phonak, Siemans, Widex, ReSound (I liked these a lot when my hearing loss was about where yours is now), Unitron, etc.
It isn't easy to sort it all out. Keep asking questions, find an audi you can trust, keep your budget and your lifestyle in mind, as well as an eye to future adjustments you might need.
Do feel free to come back and keep asking questions here. Most of us have gone through this procedure of choosing hearing aids more than once, so there's a lot of people who can give you some good advice here. Good luck with it all.
Edited to add: Excellent advice from SallyLou up to contact DARS, too.