Your eating habits change because of movies/documentaries/Talk shows?


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Aug 26, 2012
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I am one of the overweight Americans. I will lose as much as I can by changing my eating habits.

I've started to eat more healthier since watching Jamie Oliver's food revolution tv shows... showing how chicken nuggets were made was a huge eye opener as well as finding out about pink slime. :shock: This started like last year when his show first aired. that is when I stopped gaining weight though. This was the start of my thinking towards food.

I am more aware and do think about what is going into my mouth nowadays and how it came to be. Now all of the commercials about a poor cow being pushed by bulldozer and news talking about butchers are breaking the law by butchering cows that cannot walk themselves to the slaughter rooms. That runs the risk of mad cow disease. That is a huge turn off for me towards beef though I love steak and hamburgers. I am more aware of where my meat came from and which plant.

Recently watched SuperSize Me. (yeah its a old movie but it was free at the library) This was the last straw for Mickey D's (McDonalds) I was already mad at them for changing the oil on their fries it was never the same since so its no big deal that I'm completely off their fries I would not miss them at all.

Have started to love Dr. Oz and his talk shows about getting healthy and his common sense approach and love it when he shows us how things work and why they work the way they do! This is another factor in my change of behavior.

I'm constantly busy with the work schedule, but lately I've started to force myself to let go of some things that would keep me occupied such as working too much and start focusing on myself as I just turned 30, that's another motivation for myself to be more healthy and be happier with my body weight as well as getting out of the house and meet up with new people than rest at home after a long work schedule.

Cooking at home is sometimes a hassle in the working world but I do see myself being rewarded by not feeling the chemicals in my body from all of the fast food on the go. The Supersize me guy was complaining of side effects of the food and that totally hit home for me that's how I felt at times. I can hear Dr. Oz in the background talking about other stuff too when I'm thinking about it.

My budgeting is the same. It does cost the same to buy the food, energy costs to cook it up, and the time involved versus working and getting it on the fly. I do see the pros and the cons in the money department.

Healthwise- I'm feeling better already, feeling great. My memory is getting better now. Losing weight is getting more and more easier now. So I'm psyched about how my "revolution" has started. Thanks to all of the people who gave a damn about how we are slowly killing ourselves in America.
I never watch those documentaries about how animals are slaughtered for food. Too upsetting. But I have friends who will only eat halal or kosher meat because of the more humane slaughtering. If I saw any of those docs, I know I'd never be able to eat meat again.

I LOVE Jamie Oliver. He's done so much good influencing what kinds of food British school children are served at lunchtime.

I can imagine it's not easy to eat healthy when you're busy and tired from work and it's easier to grab something quick that may not be the best choice. I don't have a weight issue, but what influences me to eat healthy foods and not junk food (although I have a Big Mac from time to time, I love 'em), is going to the veggie section in the supermarket and seeing all the variety of vegetables. Buy up a bunch, the ones that are on sale that week so the budget stays ok, spend an hour or less cutting them up, bagging them, and then quickly sauteeing them in a little olive oil during the week when you get home from work. Do the same (cutting and bagging/freezing) with meats. This way it saves you time when cooking so you'll not be tempted to grab junk in a hurry. You only need a little bit of meat mixed in with the veggies to make it taste good, so you can keep your expense down. If you like rice, Jasmine rice can be cooked in a big batch, put in ziplock bags and frozen. Put the individual serving ziplocs in the microwave for a few minutes while you stir fry those vegetables/meat.

I know this is off-topic, but I just wanted to share. Keep up your revolution and your body will thank you every day. And now for some food porn:




Wirelessly posted

Hmmm. I lost weight due to want. 2011-now, i went through a re-do my life change, lol best way i can describe it. I found out my cultural background (closed adoption), came *out*, lost over 114lbs & started college, all in that order. Pretty much over the desire to want a happier life :P
i just watch this food program food in vietnam,they got place called spider vally and they take tourist there to eat big fat spiders fried,just about worse thing i ever seen so yes it made me think to never go to vietnam and eat..gross
Congratulations to waking up. I sincerely hope you wake up all the way because there is so much to be gained from eating better. Don't forget to get plenty of sleep. Are you also blocking out light while asleep? How about getting sun as much as you can for vitamin D synthesis within your body?

I have gone over as far as I can, which is low-fat-raw-vegan with an 80-10-10 modification. I'm still learning about the modification. Basically, this means 80% comes from fruit, 10% from veggies, and 10% from fats, though you may have to adjust these numbers to better suit your digestive capabilities. Because I'm older, and I have experienced being vegan for most of the last near-19 years, it's hard to break away from cooked foods towards much greater proportions of raw foods. I'm getting to the point that my body doesn't like cooked foods for long periods and can tell the difference in how I feel when I go back to cooked foods in the evenings.
Once you get the technique down, being at the right weight and healthy can be a lot of fun.