Your dream house?

That's what I like.

It would be interesting having a house where every room is perfectly proportioned. :)

A standard cargo container is 20' x 8' x 8' (LxWxH).

My current bedroom is approximately 20' x 15' x 8'. I could take 2 cargo containers and make one room. For a nice big living room, I could use 3 cargo containers. If I put a 3rd cargo container next to my bedroom, I could use half as the bathroom and half as my closet. :)

Uh? It sounds that you are eating a lot of food... Just kidding. Are you preferring to a modular home?
I have other feeling about my dream home would own nice small to medium house in good area in southwest USA, including with Texas, however southeast USA has better house price and more affordable than other regions, it's okay for me but not for everyone.
That's what I like.

It would be interesting having a house where every room is perfectly proportioned. :)

A standard cargo container is 20' x 8' x 8' (LxWxH).

My current bedroom is approximately 20' x 15' x 8'. I could take 2 cargo containers and make one room. For a nice big living room, I could use 3 cargo containers. If I put a 3rd cargo container next to my bedroom, I could use half as the bathroom and half as my closet. :)

yeah cool!, Id double that just to fit room for an air conditioner, hydroponics growing uint for food, and a gym... and have it ALL underground....., really deep.....
my dream house is basically simple to have everything and BIG GYM in backyard that include weightlifting room/arcade room.
That's what I like.

It would be interesting having a house where every room is perfectly proportioned. :)

A standard cargo container is 20' x 8' x 8' (LxWxH).

My current bedroom is approximately 20' x 15' x 8'. I could take 2 cargo containers and make one room. For a nice big living room, I could use 3 cargo containers. If I put a 3rd cargo container next to my bedroom, I could use half as the bathroom and half as my closet. :)

And add another cargo container for kitchen, dinning room. As you do need a kitchen and place for foods/drinks. :)
Eh? Food?

You are big man and eat a lot of food so you want the rooms bigger. Perhaps, you want a big castle for next one :dunno2: (Actually, I know someone does that for his home. He is adding additional building for the 3rd time.)

i.e. "I could take 2 cargo containers and make one room. For a nice big living room, I could use 3 cargo containers."
A downtown condominium in a high rise building on an upper floor. Be right by all restaurants, store, library. Very convenient.
You are big man and eat a lot of food so you want the rooms bigger. Perhaps, you want a big castle for next one :dunno2: (Actually, I know someone does that for his home. He is adding additional building for the 3rd time.)

i.e. "I could take 2 cargo containers and make one room. For a nice big living room, I could use 3 cargo containers."
Actually, the house I am in right now... all rooms are 20' x 15'.

Even if I were to make my room out of only one cargo container, it wouldn't be good for my guests who are visiting me. If it was an office, I could do with one container since I would only have a desk and some shelves... maybe a television. With a bedroom, I've got shelves, dressers, bed, and television. So, more room would be needed. To make the cargo containers work out right, I can't just cut one cargo container in half... using 1 and a half. That would leave the other half 20' long and 4' wide. That's not enough room for anything else. :(
i cant really put 2gether an idea of my dream house yet but i have a rough imagination of one =)
it would be 3 story of which the lowest is more like an underground basement (bachelor's patch) filled with hi tech gadgets, modern furnising, a pool table and definitely have to have a spa tub.

2nd floor - ground level with the main entrance, leadin to the lounge, kitchen (with island bench), rumpus, dinning, toilet (no bathroom/shower), main bedroom n a big fishtank for my tropical fishes (prefer a tank embedded in the wall) then a wide spiral staircase leading to the top floor

3rd foor - will have another 3 bedroom, toilet/bathroom, a study. mini lounge with combined mini kitchen, 2 balcony of which, 1 will b leading downstairs to the front yard.
all bedroom will have builtins except the main which will have a walk in robe n shoes closet 4 the women!

hahahha n dats a rough idea of my dream home and if ever i want to turn it to reality then i will b working my ass off or jus hope ill win the lotory. :giggle:
I could easily live anyplace that had food, clean water and a roof, compassionate friends, a place to sleep, access to phone & internet and a TV.
My "dream" home would be self reliant and small, with our bed on rails, so at the push of a button , it would roll us out on the porch under the stars.
A dream home should, first of all:

1. Pay attention to the year round, 55 degree earth that it's built on. (four feet down), and be Radon protected.
2. Pay attention to the sun, by aligning the long side of the home due south, with a 6' roof overhang, which provides passive cooling, but lets the low winter sun shine in.
3. A nice south facing roof can provide all the hot water and electricity you need, if active solar is installed, but can always be added later.
4. Have "radiant", warm floors, instead of conductive heating. (if you build in a winter climate)
5. Be built small and insulated well.
6. Have a garage, for a good workspace separate from the living quarters.
7. Wood fired capabilities (if you can)

Too many "dream" homes are built without taking into account , the "nightmare" of ever increasing utility bills, forever after. Passive qualities are much more reliant.

My vacation home would be a 60', Alden Schooner Boat, (with a cat box), that could take us to many "Vacation" moorings.
There is no such dream house.

I lived a lifetime in a tractor trailer that for it's time had some of the finest engineering and comfort. You can be in -60 winter and sleep well provided you have the fuel and that snow does not clog your main air intake below the windshield. OR you can be in Beatty near Death Valley at 120+ and sleep comfortably in airconditioning provided your cooling system holds up among other issues.

I learned not to sleep in say memphis downtown. Never. Large cities? no. If I wanted to find a place to sleep somewhere say near Maryland I would use a spot similar to this... near Duncannon PA Its paved today, but in my day it was gravel and extremely quiet. And you could be anywhere between Maine and Florida in less than a day from there. This picture is US322 looking eastward down the Junita River towards US15 north of Harrisburg PA.

Most of my homes particularly my last house on a few acres here in Arkansas has a bit of land, wildlife and some trees to harvest to winter. And room to grow the foods as well as do what is necessary without bothering anyone. There is hardly any crime to speak of and we are a Free State compared to some back east that are not free today. There are still plenty of spots and towns smaller than a hoofprint that will provide a equally quiet living with no crime or trouble or hardly any authrotity to speak of because its not really needed Unless you called for the Law they would just leave you be.

Houses and dream homes? Eh. Just a building. You can do well on a little bit or a alot of bit. If you wanted to wrestle with a ten million dollar gated community mansion somewhere and can afford it? Awesome Enjoy. I tend to go the other direction. As long there is plenty of good land with water, timber and so on away from the hell holes in our cities its all good. Sometimes it's so quiet that it's boring for some. I get that. Ive already had a lifetime worth of excitement. I also am not one of those you can stuff into a nursing home either. Just take me to pasture and shoot me so to speak.

I am not writing this to rain on anyone who dreams of a home, a good place with the things they would like to have in life. Thats not why I am writing. All of us have one life to live and I sure hope you like it. If you don't? Find a way to solve the problems preventing you from enjoying a good home life.

US 322 Junitia River Sleepy Hollow. One of the best in the USA..jpg

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