Thank you very much to everyone!
I am doing great and still sore. I had to have a little cut to have more room but it is all worth it when I saw my son. My son is doing so great and he is sleeping right now.
I had a difficult labor because I have a little bit of asthma and I almost blacked out. I had a running fever of 101.6 for a long time and when my son was finally out, I had shakes and they had to give me something to make me go to sleep to fight infection and fever in my body. No signs of infection in me or my son so far. Thank goodness. I was in labor for over 12 hours and I was pushing for an hour then finally at 4pm my son was born! yayay!
Everything is great with me and my son. He is so beautiful and everyone said he looks like me more every day. I said Thank you. He has my nose and my ears and everything! lol
I cant stay long because of sitting around and I will be back when I have a little free time and I will post a pic here as soon as I can. Please do not bug me or bother me if I havent done that. I will not do that if anyone disobeys my business. *smile* Thank you.
Thank you so much! Talk to you later, hugs!!!
deafmommy.. it is normal to have shakes after u have the baby.. i had the shakes after i gave birth to TJ.. shakes and sweats.... soaked the bed .. LOL.. its normal.. so dont worry.. all ladies have this..![]()
I am glad you are enjoying the motherhood.. enjoy every moments u can with your sweet lil one.. he will grow fast... just like my TJ.. he is almost 8.. i cant believe he is not a lil boy anymore..![]()
I hope your back will get better soon.. I will pray for you..![]()
Thank you all! I really appreciate all this, I feel so good to read all those posts that you have all left here.![]()
I am doing great, not sore anymore but sometimes my back acts up. Will call the dr. if it keeps up that way. My son is doing great and I will put down a pic of him sometimes next week. Has been so busy and I dont have time, only when he is asleep. I only can sneak in 5 mins then back to my motherhood world. I love being a mommy, it is a wonderful feeling and so overwhelming sometimes.but IT IS ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!
Better go, will keep in touch!to my great friends!!!
Hey Everyone,
I guess no one would want to see a new picture of my son? Oh well.......... Good night!
Hey Everyone,
I guess no one would want to see a new picture of my son? Oh well.......... Good night!