"You mind writing that down"?

national techonology Institute for the Deaf or something like that, It's part of Rochester Institute of technology.

I forgot the full spelling, sorry guys.
national techonology Institute for the Deaf or something like that, It's part of Rochester Institute of technology.

I forgot the full spelling, sorry guys.

Very close!!! NTID is National Technical Institute for the Deaf, one of eight colleges of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, New York.
I'm deaf, and it doesn't bother me at all. Actually, when someone is learning sign and she/he is having difficulty saying something, it really ANNOYS me when that person REFUSES to write it down or let me write it down when either I can't understand her/him or she/he can't understand me. Seriously, either write it down or let me write it down and then I will be more than happy to show you the sign for it or whatever. I think people would learn much better that way. I can't help you if you refuse to let me help you.

Lucia where were you during my high school years? lol
I have a little pen and paper in my campus bag...I just tell people that I'm deaf, and can't understand what the hell they are talking about...so I ask them to write it down!! I must say that I have had some nasty comments behind my back!! But, guys we shouldn't worry!! Thats due to a lack of understanding on their part...Shame!! for them!!

Okay... I just attended my first ASL I class at the local community college last night, and my teacher (who is hearing and taught sign for 35 years) says that it isn't always a good idea to ask a deaf person to write something down because it isn't their first language and they can find that intimidating. I can't quite figure this one out... I suppose it just depends on the individual. :/

Any responses to that?
Well, kiddo, many, many deafies feel intiminated because they have such poor language ability. "Minimum Language Skills". They are worried that they might get made fun of -- or even that you cannot understand what they are trying to put across.

For myself, I feel intiminated because I have very good speech and kept up with it -- if the hearie TRIES and has a little patience, then we would not have a problem. The trouble with hearing people is that they are frightened of anything different -- they freeze up and their mind goes blank!
The trouble with hearing people is that they are frightened of anything different -- they freeze up and their mind goes blank!

Wow. You've just described me when I encounter a deaf person. I have all of these signs memorized, but as soon as I get a chance to actually use them-- poof! Out the window (of my mind) they go. It's maddening.:stupid: But at least i'm making a genuine effort to communicate, so I guess that accounts for something.
what can one do to break the ice for you, societyschild?

I guess I'm really asking this - How can a Deaf person break the ice for a hearing person who is frightened like that next time?

I really dont mind if it comes down to pen and paper.
For me, Breaking the ice was funny with a hearing guy i had just met.. I had OGO with me at the time, so I used that to communicate with him. after a while, he started to understand me. yeah, i'm talking about my boyfriend. Now he is learning sign language. hopefully he'll learn more as time goes on.
We absolutely LOVE body language! You can always use "home Signs" until you get the drift of it. Example: "chicken" -- be a chicken with your "wings" flapping.