Kick Knocks ( they were ban)
Actually, those made a comeback in the early 90's...i recall alot of the kids in middle school (myself included) walking the halls, driving teachers crazy with them.
no microwaves... i guess that i cant quick warm up on my foods in that decade. DAMN!
Not until a man who went through a radioactive tunnel which melted his chocolate, and that's when mircowave was invented.
I wasn't sure myself, just partly made up but the chocolate meltdown in his front chest pocket was the true fact of the invention. But yes, minty, your explaination just refreshed my memory and is correct.
i gotta to give a credit to that inventer who made the microwave to make successful in future and it did.
Bell Bottoms
Shaggy hair
the car known as the Pinto
Wing collars
the Bicentennial of 1976
Oil crisis of the 70's--remember the lines?!
The Blizzard of 1978
"Grandpa" hearing aids
Indira Ganhdi elected PM of India ( I was there when that happend)