1. Yes. Was told in 7-11 that they now do it if you look under 35!
4. Always been true. Bad back.
5. I am in college again. We did an icebreaker where they passed out pennies and everyone had to tell a story about the year the penny was made. A girl a few seats down had a one from 2005 and said 'Oh, yeah, I was starting sixth grade'. My story (I also had one for 2005) was that I was driving a van delivering computers!
7. This happened yesterday, went for dinner with my friend (unilateral deaf) and they suddenly cranked up the music in the restaurant. After ten minutes of ASL and eating I managed to get the waitress' attention to turn it back down. I go out to eat and enjoy other people's company, not listen to the restaurant's crappy taste in music.
13. Always been true.
20. Also mostly always been true.
22. Always been true.
28. Never liked them in the first place.
30. Their problem.