Believe it or not, I actually heard that from a hearing screen technician today.
I went in to get a hearing screening performed - basically, it was free, and if I "failed" the screening- they were providing referrals at a reduced cost for local ENTs. Since I don't have insurance, I figured it would be an easier (ie cost effective) way to get into a real doctor and get a real assessment of where my hearing stood.
So I walked in and said hello, and the first words out of her mouth was "Well, you don't sound deaf!"
Then she sat me down in a chair, placed ill fitting head phones on my head and told me to "Listen for the beeps." I watched as she fiddled with some knobs, looked puzzled, consulted a chart, and then laugh.
Apparently she forgot to turn the machine on.
So, take two. This time, the machine was on, but since the dials were set based on her previous fiddlings with the dial, they came on at a higher volume- namely the maximum allowable. Needless to say, my hand shot up extremely quickly, and I tried to tear the earphones off my ears. Her reaction? No apologies, simply a laugh and "betcha heard that one, didn't ya?"
So, take three - the screening began again, with ME making sure that the dials were in their proper starting position. Then, I closed my eyes and brought my hand up when I thought that I heard a sound. Although, I will admit, feeling the vibrations through the floor of her tapping foot was a major distraction.
Then, apparently since my third result was inconsistent with the two previous trials (?????????), I had to test again. The fourth trial, surprisingly enough, did not exactly match the previous test. (I wonder if anyone has ever had an exact match on two subsequent audiograms?).
So the end verdict was that there was indication of some hearing irregularities, but..... "you know, you really don't have a hearing problem- it's probably just some allergy thing..."
I walked out without a referral.
Ok, sorry, just had to vent a bit- no real question, just a huge, tired, and resigned WTF???????????
I'll laugh about this soon, I imagine :roll:

I went in to get a hearing screening performed - basically, it was free, and if I "failed" the screening- they were providing referrals at a reduced cost for local ENTs. Since I don't have insurance, I figured it would be an easier (ie cost effective) way to get into a real doctor and get a real assessment of where my hearing stood.
So I walked in and said hello, and the first words out of her mouth was "Well, you don't sound deaf!"
Then she sat me down in a chair, placed ill fitting head phones on my head and told me to "Listen for the beeps." I watched as she fiddled with some knobs, looked puzzled, consulted a chart, and then laugh.
Apparently she forgot to turn the machine on.
So, take two. This time, the machine was on, but since the dials were set based on her previous fiddlings with the dial, they came on at a higher volume- namely the maximum allowable. Needless to say, my hand shot up extremely quickly, and I tried to tear the earphones off my ears. Her reaction? No apologies, simply a laugh and "betcha heard that one, didn't ya?"
So, take three - the screening began again, with ME making sure that the dials were in their proper starting position. Then, I closed my eyes and brought my hand up when I thought that I heard a sound. Although, I will admit, feeling the vibrations through the floor of her tapping foot was a major distraction.
Then, apparently since my third result was inconsistent with the two previous trials (?????????), I had to test again. The fourth trial, surprisingly enough, did not exactly match the previous test. (I wonder if anyone has ever had an exact match on two subsequent audiograms?).
So the end verdict was that there was indication of some hearing irregularities, but..... "you know, you really don't have a hearing problem- it's probably just some allergy thing..."
I walked out without a referral.
Ok, sorry, just had to vent a bit- no real question, just a huge, tired, and resigned WTF???????????
I'll laugh about this soon, I imagine :roll:
