You know you ADing too much when...

AD's pretty much the first thing I come to when I turn my laptop on :giggle:
Eh, not me. I spend maybe a few hrs a day on AD at most. I get tired of the bickering and the drama that is here perpetually.
First thing I am checking is my email account and several other websites... AD is the last I am checking
My email comes first and answer them....other sites too. but I try to log on AD everyday to keep abreast of all the news....
You know when you're AD'ing too much when...

you check PM first and then your personal emails
you get your news from AD instead of news sites

You know you have been AD'ing too much when you have sworn not to read another news article ever again... only to find yourself commenting on them.
I sometimes check my emails, AllDeaf and Facebook.
You know you ADing too much when you wished you didn't had to keep rattling on one member that you specifically dislike the most of each posts he/she makes.