You Know What??

woke up this mornign to an e mail from her saying she cut her hair im like HUH? ok no plm plby a trim but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo SHE ACTUALLY did that and i was like OMG diffy hair then she told me reason why she did this and IM SO PROUD OF HER AND U KNOW WHAT she's Deffy has a heart of gold and im So damn proud of her! WTG Tweety u Deffy Rock in my book :)
javapride said:
woke up this mornign to an e mail from her saying she cut her hair im like HUH? ok no plm plby a trim but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo SHE ACTUALLY did that and i was like OMG diffy hair then she told me reason why she did this and IM SO PROUD OF HER AND U KNOW WHAT she's Deffy has a heart of gold and im So damn proud of her! WTG Tweety u Deffy Rock in my book :)
i didnt tell u abt cut hair and u begged me to tell u whats it but i wont tell u until yesterday... u was not woke up , u told me that u was clean up the house all morning until u got online and answer my email say sup?? then i sent the pic of me to u that how....are u forget abt this??? huh??? :bump:

anyway, thanks so much! :D
TweetyBird said:
i didnt tell u abt cut hair and u begged me to tell u whats it but i wont tell u until yesterday... u was not woke up , u told me that u was clean up the house all morning until u got online and answer my email say sup?? then i sent the pic of me to u that how....are u forget abt this??? huh??? :bump:

anyway, thanks so much! :D

OOoooooo she not know
TweetyBird, u have nice haircut especially dye color.

Frisky Feline, Thanks for this link. Planning to donate my long hair by early 2005.
Lasza said:
TweetyBird, u have nice haircut especially dye color.

Frisky Feline, Thanks for this link. Planning to donate my long hair by early 2005.
*chuckle* It's gotta you a BIG difference, don't you feel more lightly and off from your shoulders? It's looks so great on you *winkz*

That was a wonderful thing that you did for the kids.

You look great in your new hairstyle!

p.s. Now you need to update your avatar photo. :)
That is so sweet of you Tweety! :cuddle:

I remember I had looong hair when I was a kid and I had it cut off and donated it.

Now I have a good reason to grow my hair out again - thanks for giving me the idea :)
CoolieFroggie said:
*chuckle* It's gotta you a BIG difference, don't you feel more lightly and off from your shoulders? It's looks so great on you *winkz*

oh yea i felt different now.. i habit put lot shampoo with my long hair but not anymore so i not usually with that.. hahaha..
Reba said:
That was a wonderful thing that you did for the kids.

You look great in your new hairstyle!

p.s. Now you need to update your avatar photo. :)
ofc i will new avator photo either.. hahahaha.. i will ask my friend do it for me... :)
Honestly, you look REAL great!!! It suit you greatly. :angel:

I like that way what you did donate your hair to cancer... I´m proud of you. :D
wowie! you are such so beautiful hair that i never see and your hair almost same as my second daughter and she is blonde but she want to dye blue /pink .... she said she love it and feel good .... she hate comb a long hair but she like short hair with blue/pink....
please stay that way i love your hair !!!! i am sure that you are so proud of your brand new hair ! :D
TweetyBird, I love your new avatar pictures! Very nice!
That's what I am planning to do also and also to get rid of my dyed hair and let my natural brown hair grow out. :) You look good tweenty. Dang I am nervous about losing my long hair.. i have had my long hair for a long time.
how long the hair should be cut ?

hey tweety your hair look really good !
WildKaTReSS said:
That's what I am planning to do also and also to get rid of my dyed hair and let my natural brown hair grow out. :) You look good tweenty. Dang I am nervous about losing my long hair.. i have had my long hair for a long time.
yea i dont blame u for that... same thing, i was nerves abt my hair, my hair was 12 inches.. so when the woman ready cutted my hair, i was cried and shut my eyes down cuz of i dont wanna see it..... it done so i saw GASP to see my hair short!