Auditory-Verbal Training...
"It is truly integrating hearing into the child’s personality so that the child becomes assimilated into our community. It is both embracing and fostering a lifestyle that enables children, in spite of their deafness, to achieve their rightful places in our society. It is a means by which children with significant hearing loss are taught how to hear, how to listen, how to understand the language of their normally hearing parents, and how to effectively speak that same language. It is an approach enabling us to ensure that all of our hearing impaired children attain their civil rights to language and literacy. It is developing effective partnerships between professionals and parents as well as strengthening the family unit.
It is obviously so much more than a method or a bunch of techniques and strategies. The AV communication option significantly alters the concept and practice of school programs for deaf children as they’ve existed for the past 150 years. The deaf child is no longer relegated to a world of silence and illiteracy."
Basically an idea that a deaf child can be taught to use their residual hearing without visual cues, to understand speech. I did it for YEARS. It didn't work...