You had lapband before?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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Lapband that kind to help lose weight surgery they won't eat much but many million obseity people had lapband surgery and if can taking this surgery or not they can wait till months..

I'm been plans to lose weight surgery I'm not sure when date surgery I will tell you date will be but I will go dr John baker same my mom went there and dr John baker is great doctor he tell me during seminar last may what do and don't for examples like fried foods and lots of mores..

I'm been eat half food lots plus sugar free Popsicle and fruits but I'm been roller coaster my weight lots up and down on my weight..

My mom and me went seminar last may and meet dr John baker tell me do and don't but I can eat healthy foods but I can't eat too much same meat and lots mores I can eat salmon and fish.. - Dr. John W. Baker, Bariatric Surgeon

My mom and me register for weight loss surgery at dr's office website but my mom got first surgery today they mine I'm not sure when date of surgery but I will go Dr baker in month January 8,2013 talking about surgery or not we have wait and see..Finger cross.

My mom drink shake from dr office but I will drink after my mom's but my mom says have include chocolate,strawberry,vanilla but can mixed fruit with vanilla my mom says I taste my mom's but I says not bad..

I wanted get new looks after weight loss surgery I need rid plus size clothing no more!! I told my mom explain about that and my mom understand I says..I can't wait!!

My mom got surgery and almost done I'm hope she will be fine we have wait dr says

I will tell you update my appt in month
Thanks,bottesini and frisky feline my mom done lapband surgery I'm hope she get recovery for six weeks..

I'm not sure when my surgery will be I need get that ASAP!! But my Medicare and Medicaid can't get thru my mom told me says she will taking her retirement money I says no way! That crazy idea! But my mom says will doit! I say alright!
Former co-trainer of mine had a client with that plan ahead of her and she asked the doctor if it okay to exercise... most doctors recommend to eat right and exercise.. so this lady came join our fitness center and told the trainer about it and bah bah.. saying will have this kind of surgery putting in gastric band in to reduce her binge eating and acid refluxes.. so she started training hard and the doctor realized how much she has been losing and changed her medicines to reduce the reflux. She lost a quarter of her previous weigh within 3 months... so she went back in to ask if surgery still on.. doctor said it is up to her because she is not in any health risk.. so she decided not to take up the surgery and continued to train. The last time I saw her last month I think. she is almost half of the size she used to be.

My mother in law has had lots of reflux so the doctor was forced to put in gastric band and other band above her stomach ... she lost over 120 lbs and wasnt healthy.. had other problems so she and the doctors fixed that and she is now okay.. just skinny.

So I would recommend you to ask the doctor about exercising if you are able to exercise.. because the doctors depending on your condition would recommend you to exercise too (before/after the surgery) because it helps you build a stronger heart, metabolism, health, vitmains/mineral absorption, and more... Just sayin'... this and that.

If you continue with the weigh removal surgery, I wish you best and good luck...

my mom get better after her gastric bypass surgery but she got sores lots and she walk lots in hospital I'm help her and talking about I eat foods at home and don't out eat because I can't eat mostly what I wanted like meats,and lots of mores but my mom told me says no sweets and pudding also but i can eat fruits also but sugar free jello would be ok for me I'm learn from my mom..but I can eat half foods when I'm eat but I can leftover foods its stupid choice but I can eat fish include salmon ok for me..

My mom can eat least not much till about six week after surgery after my mom's I will taking my turn for lapband surgery and eat least like half foods same and no sweets I must lose lots weight but I'm still roller coaster my weight lots!!

I'm not sure when my surgery date will be
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My mother in law has had lots of reflux so the doctor was forced to put in gastric band and other band above her stomach ...

The "band" above the stomach is likely actually not a band at all, but a procedure called a Nissen fundoplication which is for reflux, but unlike gastric banding doesn't have anything to do with weight loss.
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my mom dont got lapband surgery my mistakes but she got gastric bypass but im plans get lapband surgery or gastric bypass chose we have wait and see till next month but i wanted lapband! To lose weight lots!
The "band" above the stomach is likely actually not a band at all, but a procedure called a Nissen fundoplication which is for reflux, but unlike gastric banding doesn't have anything to do with weight loss.

Something like that, yeah. It works like tying the string around it to make her tube smaller.. probably too small because it was what caused her to lose so much weigh in short time frame... making her body act like she wasn't even eating for weeks.. but she has been trying to but it makes her sick so she did what she could to stay healthy to fight it off.. they can not re-do the surgery to fix that mistake. So she is living with it for the last two years now.. they did put in the band on her stomach too, I told her why both? Sloppy decision, its that or she misunderstood them.. but she said she has it.. so Idk. I am not her and I am not even there. And all my job is to know how it works and most of other things but not everything until I was told what was done and what needs to be taken care of then I put it to work with some of my mixes to help the person get strong, healthy and so forth when necessary.

After recovery, some of the clients with this situation are encouraged to walk, eat healthy and so forth...

Sara, yes you have to eat more vegs and fruits.. some seafood and good poultry (chicken and pork). White meat. But red meat.. not much, just little.. not too much. Ask your mom because you and mom alike and the doctor know the result on tests what you and your mom eat and health, bah bah.. they know what you need to eat, may want you and mom see nutritionist. (person who teach or tell you what right food to eat, drink, etc). Exercise, yes will recommend you and mom walk and maybe more but MUST heal first, rest first after 6-8 weeks depend on you and mom how you heal... Good luck.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I'm very familiar with the Nissen procedure (I know literally hundreds of people who've had it done) and the complications she's having with eating wouldn't be from the Nissen, they'd be from the whichever gastric bypass or Lapband procedure etc (which can totally alter the way your body processes and absorbs nutrients.

Also, it is possible to revise Nissen procedures.

If she's still having issues after about 4weeks post op she needs to talk to her surgeon as well as a dietitian who specializes in diet & nutrition for those who've had these procedures.
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Food addiction is very common and, to be fair, it is not all the person's fault as companies make certain foods addictive on purpose so customers keep buying the product.

Eating half of what you usually eat will not solve the problem as the food contains things you can't easily work off. In addition, by eating less your body stores more to keep the same amount of energy available.

The solution is to change your lifestyle. Forget about diets because by definition they are only temporary and that is really not a solution.

Some people do vegetarian or other things, but I don't believe you have to give up anything. All you need to do is cut out high fat foods. Switch from beer to wine. Instead of eating sirloin steak, switch to top round. Instead of eating dark meat chicken, switch to skinless, boneless chicken breast. Instead of eating high fat pasta dishes like lasagna and ravioli, switch to whole wheat pasta and non-cheese, low fat sauces then add things like steamed shrimp. Instead of eating over processed white bread, switch to whole wheat bread. Instead of eating chocolate, switch to fruit. Honestly, it's kind of funny how easy it is to keep in shape today.

One more thing, instead of eating all those fat bad things consistently during the year, only eat those things during a holiday meal. This way, you still have fun at parties.

I've done protein shakes and stuff before and they do work, but they also cost a lot and you don't need them. I've lost 50lbs without the shakes. It does take longer, but my wallet is a lot happier.
I read posts i would disagree and some agree with posts but i can get lost weight off of my chose i wanted to i dont wanted heard about negatives comments please!

I need focus to ready for my weight loss surgery we have wait for date of lapband surgery

I can eat what i wanted of my chose and half foods and i can straving for more hours no problems for me but i can eat fruits,sugar free desserts of my chose..
on our tv this morning talking about new diet called The fast diet' i knoe rather general name but it specific and it going around the internet...i did not get it all but it roughly fasting two soectic days in the week...
good luck...
Starving is a waste of time. You have to think of your body as a engine. Keep it fueled, feed yourself, often before it runs out of gas, when you are hungry. When you feel hungry it means you are eating wrong.
I read posts i would disagree and some agree with posts but i can get lost weight off of my chose i wanted to i dont wanted heard about negatives comments please!

I need focus to ready for my weight loss surgery we have wait for date of lapband surgery

I can eat what i wanted of my chose and half foods and i can straving for more hours no problems for me but i can eat fruits,sugar free desserts of my chose..

One thing I would suggest (if you haven't already done it) is talk to the doctor doing the surgery and their nutritionist/dietitian. Ask for a week's worth of specific meal plan examples with exact food, the exact amount that you can have etc. so you know what you will be able to eat after the lapband. You might also ask if you can/should start eating that way now while you are waiting for surgery so that you get used to that amount of food and way of eating.
3 of my coworkers had the gastric prodecure (not sure which one for all 3) done around the same time and both 10 years later now 2 are gaining the pre-procedure weight and one is already at her pre-weight.
I've heard about WLS and often wonder if it's really beneficial.
My sister in law had gastric-band surgery a few years ago, no effect on her whatsoever as she just carried on eating the same old junk as she did before, only much smaller portions three times as often.
As I remember she tried to sue the hospital for falsly claiming that it would help her lose weight....
I think if you're a serial-grazer it just doesn't work...