You ever heard of Astrology?

just a year? fine.. 1988 :D but not personal of where i live and else in public :P

yea i'm earth dragon :P

Yeah you're right! I didn't ask you where you're coming from. I do understand it's your private. I do have friend with Taurus/Dragon. We are along! :D You can go to bookstore to look for Astrology with Suzanna White. This is real good book ever I had. You should check it out at both these.

Taurus is Earth

Dragon's 1988 mean Earth Element. You're double Earth!
not bad..

I dont get along with my dad cuz he have leo in his sun sign. I bet you know how my dad feel when u get to know me.. lol

Heh, well, I am a Leo. :eek: In the truth, I am nothing much like Leo personality because I have very several Leo personality inside me. :shrug: ^_^
Yeah you're right! I didn't ask you where you're coming from. I do understand it's your private. I do have friend with Taurus/Dragon. We are along! :D You can go to bookstore to look for Astrology with Suzanna White. This is real good book even I had. You should check it out at both these.

hehe yea.. but i have scorpio in moon and rising.. that is bad news for most ppl hehe.. u know.. scorpio are evil revenge ppl :P
Heh, well, I am a Leo. :eek: In the truth, I am nothing much like Leo personality because I have very several Leo personality inside me. :shrug: ^_^

dont worry, taurus in moon and mercury in cancer.. it is good thing for me cuz u can easily get along with me
hehe yea.. but i have scorpio in moon and rising.. that is bad news for most ppl hehe.. u know.. scorpio are evil revenge ppl :P

Yeah Scorpio always picking on everyone. Scorpio like to be nodding people's talk. I used to date with Scorpio before. We aren't along. But I do have friend with Scorpion ladies only. You can see red skin like an EVIL! Cancer is red too. Cancer is so MOODY and Emotional.
I just finish read those links, I wish I can order 'em but I prefer to buy 'em from any store. I don't trust online shops, impo. I will try to find 'em somewhere else in my town
Yeah Scorpio always picking on everyone. Scorpio like to be nodding people's talk. I used to date with Scorpio before. We aren't along. But I do have friend with Scorpion ladies only. You can see red skin like an EVIL! Cancer is red too. Cancer is so MOODY and Emotional.

lol.. i like to nodding.. -_- i wonder where u get that information.. from ur personal experiences?

red skin? like all the suddenly it become red on my skin but later on it back to normal white skin?
dont worry, taurus in moon and mercury in cancer.. it is good thing for me cuz u can easily get along with me

True. And, I have a lot of earth elements so it's very easy for me to get alnog with earth elements the most of time. :)
me double earth? what is positive for that? lol

LoL Yeah you're PURE Earth!!! It's so perfect for your background. Taurus is so STUBBORN!!! In Chinese Zodiac sign "OX" is so STUBBORNNESS too. If Taurus/OX will be BULLHEAD and double Stubborn!
I just finish read those links, I wish I can order 'em but I prefer to buy 'em from any store. I don't trust online shops, impo. I will try to find 'em somewhere else in my town

I saw these kind of books in store.. But im saving money for food.. oh well
I just finish read those links, I wish I can order 'em but I prefer to buy 'em from any store. I don't trust online shops, impo. I will try to find 'em somewhere else in my town

I understand. That's why I prefer go to book store to buy it. I don't like the shipping price either. What is your born year?? What is your horoscope sign too?? :D
Pinky, what's about mine? I'm curious. I born in 1986 and the year of Tiger, okay, which is an element on Tiger of 1986?
LoL Yeah you're PURE Earth!!! It's so perfect for your background. Taurus is so STUBBORN!!! In Chinese Zodiac sign "OX" is so STUBBORNNESS too. If Taurus/OX will be BULLHEAD and double Stubborn!

hehe.. I might can add that.. taurus dont like to push around.. like peace and relax.. hate last minutes to do something.. dont like to rush..

I enjoy nature and environment.. but i noticed alot taurus arent same way. I wonder why is that.. beside their birth chart results..
I understand. That's why I prefer go to book store to buy it. I don't like the shipping price either. What is your born year?? What is your horoscope sign too?? :D

Yeah, it's easy for me to buy whatever I like from store. ;)
lol.. i like to nodding.. -_- i wonder where u get that information.. from ur personal experiences?

red skin? like all the suddenly it become red on my skin but later on it back to normal white skin?

Yeah Taurus like to nodding too. I had experience with everyone's personality and my personality too. I learned it from everyone like argue and along together. I read the newspaper with horoscope. Also I went to Chinese Restaurant with Chinese Zodiac sign papers under the plate. I saved it. I has been observe on personality and characters. I found it out last 4 years ago. My friend won't tell me how when I was in senior. I was thinking and observing it myself.
Yeah Taurus like to nodding too. I had experience with everyone's personality and my personality too. I learned it from everyone like argue and along together. I read the newspaper with horoscope. Also I went to Chinese Restaurant with Chinese Zodiac sign papers under the plate. I saved it. I has been observe on personality and characters. I found it out last 4 years ago. My friend won't tell me how when I was in senior. I was thinking and observing it myself.

ahh i see.. I hasnt start my personal experiences yet.. cuz i just learned it few months ago lol

but i wish i knew about it long time ago.. lol

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