you dye hair? or never (natural)

I've dyed my hair twice and bleached it many times.

The first time I bleached my hair, I was using leftover bleach from my ex-girlfriend. Since I had short hair, I didn't think it would be a problem. Well, it was... so my hair wasn't fully bleached. It was light enough though. I then dyed my hair maroon. When I took a shower to rinse off the dye off my forehead and ears, it washed out easily. I guess it was one of those crappy dyes, not the strong type. So, my hair ended up being light maroon... err... reddish pink. Blah! It did eventually turn a bit orange, so it came out looking good a couple weeks later. :)

The next time I dyed my hair, it was all black. Unfortunately, it was not the plain black kind... it was the shiny black kind. Yep, it made the black look bluish when under light. Ugh! Luckily, it faded away and I had black hair... for a couple weeks. :)

Other times, I just bleach my hair so that I'm blond. :)
i did dye my hair black once and hate it. but i always wanted to dye strawberry blonde
maybe i will soon heh.
I know someone who did that... looked pretty good.

I have a friend who was always getting her hair permed and dyed. She did it so often that it damaged her hair to a point where they would "break" off in chunks. From that point on, she stopped getting perms or dyes. As the months went by, she would have her damaged hair trimmed off. She eventually regained her natural hair. :)
Yes i have dyed my hairs in different colors... my orginial hair color is strawberry blonde.. i have dyed champagne blonde but it turned brassy orange UGH. ash blonde, dark auburn, ultra light blonde, and plan to dye my hairs again .. this time its natural dark neutral blonde... tired of red hairs.. LOL :P

i started going gray when i was 24.. few strands of gray hairs... and now?? its getting more and more noticeable on my side of face.. it doesnt bother me, really. i know its the way of life everyone are getting older whether we like it or not! ;)
I did dyed my hair during teenage life but not anymore.
I've dyed my hair twice and bleached it many times.

The first time I bleached my hair, I was using leftover bleach from my ex-girlfriend. Since I had short hair, I didn't think it would be a problem. Well, it was... so my hair wasn't fully bleached. It was light enough though. I then dyed my hair maroon. When I took a shower to rinse off the dye off my forehead and ears, it washed out easily. I guess it was one of those crappy dyes, not the strong type. So, my hair ended up being light maroon... err... reddish pink. Blah! It did eventually turn a bit orange, so it came out looking good a couple weeks later. :)

The next time I dyed my hair, it was all black. Unfortunately, it was not the plain black kind... it was the shiny black kind. Yep, it made the black look bluish when under light. Ugh! Luckily, it faded away and I had black hair... for a couple weeks. :)

Other times, I just bleach my hair so that I'm blond. :)

Special Effects and Manic Panic are both good brands for dyeing your hair. You can find Special Effects in Hot Topic, and Manic Panic at Sally's Beauty Supply.
I dyed my hair since I was 12 because I born with red hair, later at age 3 it turned bleach blonde naturally and at age 12 it turned into medium brown so I dyed it blonde, got bored of it so I dyed auburn at age 16, dark red, blonde again, let it grow to shoulder length still blonde hair then dyed bottom half cotton candy pink look cute, then dyed it fire red (orange) with blonde highlighting, then dyed it purple then around age 19 I dyed black and had short hair I loved it it was my favorite hair ever, had bleach wash to lighten black hair color up then dyed it back red and I'm almost 21 I'm growing out my dye and found out my natural hair color is red lol.

I miss having short hair!!! I hate long hair it look so limp and boring red but my fiance jason want me have longest hair for wedding and want me keep it long as I can tolerate it lol YUCK but I'm thinking about dying it black and pink streaks on my red hair, or dye it purple all over with pink highlighting, don't know yet I want it to be at least bold and punky to makes me feel little bit like myself. I don't know who know I might ended up shaving off my hair when he's not home lmao I'm short hair girl I can't stand my long hair anymore (its shoulder length right now I want it back to 2 inch short hair with long bangs then dye it all pink!!!! Ahhh!!!
I dyed my hair since I was 12 because I born with red hair, later at age 3 it turned bleach blonde naturally and at age 12 it turned into medium brown so I dyed it blonde, got bored of it so I dyed auburn at age 16, dark red, blonde again, let it grow to shoulder length still blonde hair then dyed bottom half cotton candy pink look cute, then dyed it fire red (orange) with blonde highlighting, then dyed it purple then around age 19 I dyed black and had short hair I loved it it was my favorite hair ever, had bleach wash to lighten black hair color up then dyed it back red and I'm almost 21 I'm growing out my dye and found out my natural hair color is red lol.

I miss having short hair!!! I hate long hair it look so limp and boring red but my fiance jason want me have longest hair for wedding and want me keep it long as I can tolerate it lol YUCK but I'm thinking about dying it black and pink streaks on my red hair, or dye it purple all over with pink highlighting, don't know yet I want it to be at least bold and punky to makes me feel little bit like myself. I don't know who know I might ended up shaving off my hair when he's not home lmao I'm short hair girl I can't stand my long hair anymore (its shoulder length right now I want it back to 2 inch short hair with long bangs then dye it all pink!!!! Ahhh!!!

LOL I know how you feel about long hair, it's a pain in the ass! Yesterday I shaved most of my head and left just my bangs. The haircut is called a Chelsea. I feel so much better now! LOL!
I do dye match my light brown once or twice a year that's it .. not want any color dye on my hair :eek:!! :giggle:
in h .s I dyed my hair red... then when I went to rochy I dyed my hair blonde... when I got home my parents was upset but after a while they liked it... then I tried to outgrow that dye hair so I had to cut it shorter.. but now it's back to real dark brown (my natural color) lol if I stay in sun too long it wud show some highlighten lighter than my natural color ;) anyways... I'm considering to get haircut on monday on my b-day.. yes I'm almost 30 lol just wanted a trim so I don't end up having long split ends after summer ends like I did get that last summer I was like :pissed: :P
Special Effects and Manic Panic are both good brands for dyeing your hair. You can find Special Effects in Hot Topic, and Manic Panic at Sally's Beauty Supply.
Heh... thanks.

I'm no longer in college. So, no point in dying my hair. ;)