You can solve a lot of ASL syntax problems, if not most, using five simple tricks.

ASL Uses Less Signs Than Words

This is so helpful! I can see that ASL uses less signs than english uses words so it seems easier, and this will definately help me with sentence structure. Thanks!

Hi Caidemma, sometimes when interpreting yes it's shorter and quicker, however, not always. There are many times that there isn't a sign for a word and you have to break it down and explain what the word means which can be much longer. Never, ever get it into your head that ASL is mixed up English or English backwards. True ASL is no where in comparison to English, it's a whole other language with it's only as you know syntax, grammar rules, history, and culture. As a matter of fact, many of you may not know that ASL originated in France, where Laurent Clerc came back to the US with Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. Clerc agreed to teach Gallaudet French Sign, if Gallaudet would teach him English and once they started the American School For The Deaf in 1817 the two languages came together as did some home signs that the students brought with them, and thus it became American Sign Language. So as you can see it's a completely different language, also, no matter how proficient you become in ASL you will always be learning and will never have "arrived" if you know what I mean. Like many languages ASL is ever growing and changing, new phrases and signs being added to it all the time so we will always be learning something new :)
This is a great thread for those who are having a hard time understanding why ASL doesn't follow English structure.
I use the KISS methodology. KISS - Kept It Simple, Stupid.

I think beginners make it more difficult for themselves. I don't mean they intentionally try to make it difficult. In the beginning, one sort of tenses up and doesn't want to "mess things up".

After a while, one begins to become more relaxed and ASL grammar just makes more sense. And also when one relaxes, the facial expressions simply happen.
How to Make Learning Sign Easier.

I've come across a really good little Kindle booklet on Amazon which looks at ways of compartmentalising signs and therefore making learning much easier. I wish I had had this book when I started learning sign language back in 1985. It's called 'Sign Language Made Easy - 18 'Need to Know' Tips to Make Learning Easier. I have it on good authority that this book will be a free download on 3 April 13. It's written by an English woman but the tips will work with any country's sign language. Like the beginning of this thread, the booklet explains how to make learning easier.
Hi Lottie, I have searched but can't find it for free, could you post a link to it please. My mother could do with this, and I guess, so could I :D
Hi Lottie, I have searched but can't find it for free, could you post a link to it please. My mother could do with this, and I guess, so could I :D

She mentions that it will be free on April 3, 2013. Still too soon. Wait until then I guess.
When I was first learning a good friend said "talk like Yoda".
Hahaha, she was born deaf and this is still cute to me that she tells me, a late deafie, such a funny thing.

I do like your explanation Berry. Very nice. Thank you both.