Yes, we have restrictions on ammo and more police chiefs not granting a Class A to carry unless the applicant can prove they have a need for it. It's strict to the point of a violation of the applicants 2nd amendment rights. I know of one person from nearby Salem, MA that got a promotion in his job. The promotion required carrying a firearm. His police chief refused to give him the permit; the employers did another background check to see if they missed anything - they didn't. Long story short, he resigned his job rather than fight the police in court. In MA, many police overstep their jobs and deny people with no basis.
The other aspect our our laws is that the pistol mags are nearly impossible to load thanks to Bill Clinton, a safe gun is one you can't load, rack or fire. Our trigger pulls are ten pounds - if not, the gun can't be sold here. Most MA residents send their gun off for trigger work so they can actually use it. There's a slew of crazy requirements and tests for guns to pass before they can be sold here. Not a surprise, many gun companies like Glock refuse to do business with CA and MA, Beretta has left MD to open a factory in TN... The sad thing is these laws just hurt average citizens and those that lose jobs when these companies leave. I'm sure it'll be a matter of time before S&W decides to move from Springfield, MA to Texas.....