Yet more food banned from being used with food stamp

They are not telling them how to spend their money. They are telling them how to spend tax payer money. I'm not sure about the meds. I would think that is paid for under a different plan like state health.

Food stamps don't come from an insurance system.

They as in the gov, are telling others how to spend tax payer money?

Thats a classic...

All things considered...
They should be doing random drug testing for people on Welfare and remove people from the program if they're earning drug money or taking money in excess of what is allowed. Banning certain foods is not only unfair but confusing. If this is done for health benefit, why not ban everyone from eating the listed items?

I don't know all the details about the current food stamp program. Is the food that is gotten with the stamps supposed to be all the food that the individual or family lives on, or is it supposed to be a supplement to their food purchases?
They should be doing random drug testing for people on Welfare and remove people from the program if they're earning drug money or taking money in excess of what is allowed. Banning certain foods is not only unfair but confusing. If this is done for health benefit, why not ban everyone from eating the listed items?

Drug testing has been considered before but it has too many problems to be effective. It's costly and not reliable.