Yes, this is another ask me any thing thread

Fly Free:
:wave: NOW u got time to tell us ur adventures qq hehe and WB to AD

:wave: and thanks for the welcome back! Heh... alrighty I will try to tell my tale of my adventures!

When I left for the airplane in St. Paul, Minn... we got a little lost finding the airport. My parents and my young brother was seeing me off... we drove around at the parking lot. I got impatient because I was afraid that I would not make it in time to check in with my E-ticket. We had to walk for a while in the freezing cold... -15 at the time... ooo gee. I checked in. I chatted a bit with the family and said my good-byes. I got on my flight... arrived in Chicago... barely had the time to hop on my next flight to Philly, Pa... whew! I got in Philly, Pa a bit late than I thought I would be. My friend who was picking me up had been looking for me... lucky I paged and said that I'm waiting for my baggage... it was like 15-20 min wait... she found me and got my baggage.

We headed back to her apt... ate a quick lunch and she finished up her packing and we got onto the road for Florida. We stopped in NC at her uncle's for the night... contiuned on the next morning and got into northern part of Florida safely at her parents'. We bascially hung out watching movies, chatted... nothing much. Few days later, we visited West Palmbeach... to visit one of her friend... it was very beautiful. I got to visit the ocean for the first time! I took the time to take in the beauty of it... the feeling of the ocean breeze. Took few snaps of the beach I visited.

On new year eve, we met up with another friend of my friend's... it turned out alright... planned on going to pleasure island in Disney World to go dancing, but the ticket was 84 dollars each and sold out. So, we just saw cool fireworks in downtown disney and then drove around Orlando for a bit. Got back to her parents' at 8:30 the next morning and of course slept all day heh. Bascially, my time in Florida have had been wonderful that I am considering moving down there some day! Heh.

We headed back for Philly, Pa... we left kinda late after a church service. We got in Philly, Pa just in time for my friend to go to work... which she went directly to work... worked half of the day and then went to her apt and slept for a long time heh. Bascially, my time in Pa was mostly going to her work, come home and chill a bit with movies and good discussions... some bible studies, good foods, and of course sleep! Heh

I flew out yesterday not wanting to come back to dready Wisconsin... but I did. My flight out was alright... when I got to Chicago, I discovered that my next flight had been cancelled, but before I could react, I was shown that I was transfered to other flight that was leaving a bit earlier than mine. Of course, I gladly got on that flight. The thing was... I didn't have the window seat! I made sure that I picked all of my seatings to be by the window heh. I had to suffer being in the middle of two ladies... bah! I slept for most of my two flights since I was so beaten. I got in St. Paul, Minn airport... of course I was a bit earlier than expected so I waited for an hour.... Found my family looking for me... they thought that my flight got cancelled and I was stuck else where. Poor dad heh. Got home alright, but stopped by Mc Donald's cuz I was HUNGRY! Heh.

Got home... saw that my dad went to my bedroom right away... I was like uhh whats up? I saw the mess in my bedroom that my male cousin had left... ohh so of course I blew up. My dad had been trying to clean it up and set it as he remembered it. My bed unmade, trashes all over, things touched and moved... ohh ugh... I do have issues about that! I, of course, apologized to dad for taking it off at him... he tried his best. My cousin never asked for the permission to use my bedroom... tsk tsk tsk. I wrote a letter to my cousin to let him know how I felt and what he did (since I barely even talked to him). Left it where he could see it before he take his flight off back to military. I went to bed and just woke up not too long ago now. :)

How is that for my adventures, eh? :)
my my my!!!!!!!! sounds like u DEFINATELY had too much fun despite arriving back to ur room finding it looking like a tornado had hit it :(

glad u had a wonderful and safe travels!!!!! :hug: the view of the ocean is amazing i know! ;)
Fly Free said:
my my my!!!!!!!! sounds like u DEFINATELY had too much fun despite arriving back to ur room finding it looking like a tornado had hit it :(

glad u had a wonderful and safe travels!!!!! :hug: the view of the ocean is amazing i know! ;)

Heh yes you are right! Too much fun? nah not too much, but well balanced! Heh. Thanks! :) :hug: and yes, the ocean is indeed very amazing! heh
sleepytaz said:
Heh yes you are right! Too much fun? nah not too much, but well balanced! Heh. Thanks! :) :hug: and yes, the ocean is indeed very amazing! heh

have u been out west to the California coast qq one day u should if u hadnt -- drive up the Rt 1 corrider (Coastal Highway i think its called if memory serves me correctly) -- its ABSOLUTELY awesome! :thumb:
Fly Free said:
have u been out west to the California coast qq one day u should if u hadnt -- drive up the Rt 1 corrider (Coastal Highway i think its called if memory serves me correctly) -- its ABSOLUTELY awesome! :thumb:

Yes, I have been to California, but I don't recall driving up the Rt 1 corrider though :) And thanks for the suggestions! ;)
:thumb: not a problem! i think u would enjoy the drive up the Rt 1 corrider when u get the chance! :D
FlyFree, I thot it was route 101 which is next to the ocean whereas 1 is a bit more east.....
Tousi said:
FlyFree, I thot it was route 101 which is next to the ocean whereas 1 is a bit more east.....

Rt 1 will end when it connects to Rt 101 as u are going northbound as u get closer to SF i believe if my memory serves me correctly or it might change to Rt 101 after passing SF -- unfortunately i cant remmy exactly now LOL -- can always double check with the N. CA ppl :D

sowwy to rip ur thread momentarily SleepyTaz *guilty as charged*

questions for YOU SleepyTaz --

When u travelled nationwide in ur life, which cities did u enjoy the most qq

Have u travelled overseas qq

what is ur worst character habits qq

what is ur best character habits q
Fly Free:
sowwy to rip ur thread momentarily SleepyTaz *guilty as charged*

questions for YOU SleepyTaz --

When u travelled nationwide in ur life, which cities did u enjoy the most qq
I have not been outside of USA... I don't know which city I would enjoy heh... any recommands?

Have u travelled overseas qq
No, but I'm hoping to go to Europe... I don't know exctaly where

what is ur worst character habits qq
nose picking and nail biting

what is ur best character habits q
smiling and being cheerful heh