XBGMER or Anyone .. Help about blackberry


Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
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Hi XBGMER Or anyone

I am think of you xbgmer cuz I knew you re expert with blackberry :D


Today I got ton of e.mails to my blackberry Pager but I am accident delete one of important e.mail :( :( Can i get important e.mail back from delete :fingersx: :(

Mod,, I am sorry I do not know which it belong to computer, isp and programming thread or Web Graphic thread :confused:

can u check the trash file thing in ur blackberry?

similar to sk3 or sk LX..
hmm ask yourself.. gmail, tmail, yahoo email, aol email.. and list go on.. do they have trash file? yes they do..

you should have one somewhere..
Nah BB dont have any delete file, once u deleted and u can say good bye... so ask ur friend to send u again then u can fwd impt msg to ur personal email addy...
There should be a trash folder in your email. Check that.
Nah BB dont have any delete file, once u deleted and u can say good bye... so ask ur friend to send u again then u can fwd impt msg to ur personal email addy...

Oh :( I will e.mail him later today.... Wish BB have delete file or box! :roll:
Sorry - but sucks to be you! :mrgreen: (no offense, Phlllips - I'm just kiddin')
Yeah my BBC under tmobile email box does not have trash folder...unlike SK that have tmail trash folder... oh well
Hi XBGMER Or anyone

I am think of you xbgmer cuz I knew you re expert with blackberry :D


Today I got ton of e.mails to my blackberry Pager but I am accident delete one of important e.mail :( :( Can i get important e.mail back from delete :fingersx: :(

Mod,, I am sorry I do not know which it belong to computer, isp and programming thread or Web Graphic thread :confused:


Blackberry email system comes in with many options. If you followed the first default option, then you are in trouble of losing emails.

I am die hard fan of Blackberry.

I have email with @(carrier).blackberry.net which I never hand out anymore for many reasons. 1st reason is that if i accidentally deleted, its lost forever. 2nd reason if I received attachment and tried to forward to regular email, it will disappear. 3rd reason - cannot control spam.

I have @gmail.com and @yahoo.com hooked up with blackberry. I set up in option where if deleted - it will only delete from handle and can be viewed on-line website. Can view attachment and forward attachment without a problem. And can allow email system to control spam before sent to my blackberry.

Its all in options. Its good to learn now and begin to practice. Newer model can allow you to decide which email is delete at demand or delete with prompt of which deletion you want to do. Also you can control which email vibrates and not to vibrate. Its all in email option general.

If you have gmail hooked up - make sure you google up and find instruction how to set up gmail on blackberry and filter for archiving reason. Only gmail has that issue because they have famous trend of archiving their emails that will send what you just wrote to friend. Duplicated messages. So make sure you set up the filter for that.

Again- what can I say... i am die hard fan of Blackberry and all secrets lies within options. I wish blackberry has feature where can color code all of my emails. Like if its from work - orange and bold. If PIN - red (already do this). if from gmail - green and italic font. But no phone carrier do this. At least allow me to identify by color or fonts than scrolling to open to see from which email. Sometime I get spam and from specific email - i can easily ignore it. But it sucks.
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Yeah my BBC under tmobile email box does not have trash folder...unlike SK that have tmail trash folder... oh well

That's true. It's suck! I have my own blackberry since last March.
try BlackBerry Internet Service from your PC login there

that link is only for Sprint Black berry.

Blackberry user need to find their company's website affiliated with Blackberry.

I tend to go www.attwireless.com/blackberry then scroll down to BIS email login.

Easy to remember where ATT blackberry login. They no longer have email support for blackberry email (screenname@att.blackberry.net). Only inbox is on your blackberry cellphone.

Encourage use Blackberry PUSHmail with Gmail or Yahoo. I love it with GMAIL as it very fast to check my emails every 30 seconds.

Blackberry allow you have up to 10 emails redirected to your blackberry email. Nice feature but watch out your memory data if you get a lot emails with attachments.

Hope this helps.
If you have gmail hooked up - make sure you google up and find instruction how to set up gmail on blackberry and filter for archiving reason. Only gmail has that issue because they have famous trend of archiving their emails that will send what you just wrote to friend. Duplicated messages. So make sure you set up the filter for that.

I'll save them time. Here is link to instructions for gmail: http://www.blackberryforums.com/gen...mail-sent-items-being-sent-your-handheld.html
Phillp, Yes I do agree with some who said "once you deleted emails, then you lost it forever".

My advice is that you should have back up/ restore files for in case if you accidently deleted your email or corrupt your OS's file dlls which shut it down.