X-mas Cards

You're very welcome! :kiss: :hug:

I cannot help but noticed that Rebelgirl, Crazymomma, Koala, Sweetheart and Seq not yet recieved my cards, :( or did I missed it somewhere in here that they had recieved it?

Don't worry, Cheri. We will let you know when we get it. Post office can be real busy during the xmas season so takes a bit longer than usual sometimes.
ur welcum to redheadgrrl, sis tweetybird, gingerbread

glad u like the drawin of wolf thx to babyangel

got xmas card from seq & sweetheart, gingerbread and rebelgirl


Great you got it safely, and you're welcome wolfy! ;)
I received two xmas cards today in the mail from Angel and Rebelgirl! Thanks so much girls! :hug: :hug:
thanks to rebelgirl, ^angel^ and roadrunner, dreamdeaf and mizzdeaf got them all today smile HUGS you all

your cards are on the way smile don't worry
Thank you, Rebelgirl. I got your card today. I dont see you around much either. We always miss each other. :) Again, Thank you.
A heavenly thanks to RebelGirl and DeafMonkey for the Christmas cards as it came in today!!! :hug: :hug:
I received two xmas cards today in the mail from Angel and Rebelgirl! Thanks so much girls! :hug: :hug:

Wow you got mine and RebelGirl's at the same time? Awesome!!! You're very much welcome sis....:hug:psst? you forgot to say Roadrunner too as his name is on the card as well
thanks to rebelgirl, ^angel^ and roadrunner, dreamdeaf and mizzdeaf got them all today smile HUGS you all

your cards are on the way smile don't worry

Wow that was quick!!! LOL you're very much welcome too :hug:

Ok, I'm in no hurry, love surprises LOL
thanks RR :hug: forgive me?:fingersx:

Forgive you? Hmm...tell ur man to phluck a yellow feather or two from ya! :lol:

Of course...you and others that *sniffs* forgets about me--welllllll...*blows mah nose*...**shakes mah head a bit ~n~ clears da throat**...ur forgiven--afterall, it's Christmas! :D

As for everyone who has thus far sent us a card, many thanks and all have been so kind to send beautiful cards and wishes!! :ty: !!

RebelGirl and DreamDeaf and MissDeaf, thank you for the card!

By the way, the card is so beautiful that you made, DreamDeaf! ;)
I got 3 cards in the mail today and they all are very lovely.

DeafMonkey - The card with the snowman on the cover is really cute. :hug:

Angel and Roadrunner - All the glitters and the sparkles on the card makes it all so christmas, so homey. :ty: Psst, Angel - you misspelled my name on the card :lol: but, after all it's christmas - I forgive you for that! :giggle: No Hard Feelings.

DreamDeaf and MizzDeaf - Once again, your amazing creativity has came out and the card looks very well incorporated! I liked the pink ribbon on the bottom of it and the drawing of the christmas light on it. It was wonderful! :hug: I do remember I got your card last year and it still has not cease to amaze me for another one coming in this year with those wonderful cards! ;)

Again, Thanks! :hug: :hug: :hug: