I'm very sorry to have offended or insulted you, that was never my intent. Please accept my apology and know I honestly didn't want to upset anyone. You make a good point about some writing in ASL structure out of habit or to save time, yet being able to comprehend written English easily enough. I had never considered this, so I'm happy you mentioned it as it is a new perspective for me and something I probably wouldn't have realized without your help.
One of my ASL teachers, who is Deaf herself and also a Teacher for the Deaf, once told us that "placing a blank sheet of paper in front of a Deaf child and asking them to write is terrifying for them since so many Deaf students struggle with English". While that is probably not true everywhere, it seems to be the case where I live. Much of this could be due to the fact that there isn't a School for the Deaf in NV and also a shortage of interpreters, so students are at a disadvantage and not able to access education with the ease in which they deserve. Many of my Deaf friends are from NV and find written English to be more challenging than others I have gotten to know through alldeaf. But I do understand that everyone is different and I shouldn't make assumptions based on my limited encounters with the handful of Deaf that I personally know. I'm aware that there are countless numbers of successful and well educated Deaf adults, my teacher for example has a Master's Degree and is one of the most brilliant and fascinating women I've ever met, and I'm very sorry if I gave the impression that I thought otherwise.
If there is anyway for me to delete this thread please let me know. I feel horrible that I've offended you, or anyone else who might read my original post..
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