Go use your kid as a science experiment. Show us how smart you are.
Go use your kid as a science experiment. Show us how smart you are.
nah, everyone left a bad taste in our mouths here ALREADY.
<eyes widen in astonishment> my god, you sure got me there. But, how?
You must be almost as brilliant as frankiesmom suggesting that csign is leader of pfh and jillio's little piggies and was the founder and chief marketer of ND.
<I learned that I can become just as irritating as others.>
<I learned that someone has a certain fascination for pigs even when they have NOTHING to do with AD. It's quite comical.>
<Please congratulate me, Botts on my ability to write in the same ingrating and condescending style.>
"Ingrating"? What's that?
in·grates plural
1. ungrateful person: somebody who shows or feels no gratitude
Here you go, Tousi! <tossing head triumphantly>
Googled that for you! <smirking assininely>
Ah, the noun, ingrate is familiar; I was originally thinking of ingratiate.
Ah, the noun, ingrate is familiar; I was originally thinking of ingratiate.
Language constantly evolves!
<Prancing out like a smugly stupid, high strung pony.>
Took my cue on that behavior from the thread creator and all who expanded upon it today.
Congratulations on your demonstrations of your ability to write in the same prating style.
The majority of intelligent adults would not choose to do so, but I suppose it is possible that like attracts like.