This has been an interesting thread.
By reading some of the posts, I would agree that there does seem to some bias in Resolutions comments. I believe the bias is covert instead of blatant in-your-face bias.
That said, the general advice to look at sources and the quality of the source is standard in the academic world. Generally only peer reviewed publications are considered credible, especially in the Academic world. One thing that you must remember, in all these papers, is the doctors want to look good. They will likely not publish a paper saying "I implanted 30 devices and only 3 worked".
That said, faire, your articles also have credibility. Just because they are not peer reviewed does not mean that the data is not valid. You simply don't have the comfort of knowing that someone reviewed them to ensure statics and conclusion were agreed upon by a few other experts in the field. I would be very curious to know your source of the “largest implant center” [in Germany]. Which center was that and who was the author?
To make another thing clear, as cdm pointed out earlier in this thread, there are basically 3 cochlear implant manufacturers. Realistically, if he posted “I work for company X”, his employer may not like that or worse, if he were to say something (or imply) that is against the labeled functionality of the device, then his company could be held liable under US law. US law on medical devices is quite stringent.
As an example, lets say that Resolutions said he work for Cochlear Implant Manufacturer Y. Now, someone with Brand Y implanted in them tells him that the device is experiencing what they believe to be an improper functioning device. As a representative of the company, he is required by law to inform the employer of a customer complaint and it must be followed up on.
Now, let us extrapolate this a little further and imagine that someone from the FDA may actually look at this forum (which is not out of the realm of possibilities). If they are able to determine that Mr. Resolution knew of a complaint they may decide to ask to see that complaint file during their monitoring visit. When that complaint file doesn’t exist, Mr. FDA inspector will not be so happy.
I do think it is fair to ask his information, but people must realize that there may be reasons he doesn’t want to give it out. The industry is a very small one.
All of this said, I do not see any false information in what resolution has posted.