The memorial is an obzsrvance of all he sacrificed on our behalf. We show appreciation for those sacrifices.
I am so very sorry that you all don't delight in talking about God and Jesus life and ministry. I am not at all surprised. If you all remember no one listened to Noah either.
Ok, think about this.
Assume I'm dying in a hospital bed.
I'm trying to keep things positive to show a good example to my family and friends.
If I want to talk about God and everything in the Universe, I'll talk to them about it.
If you or some other missionary (doesn't matter what faith background they are) barges into my room and starts talking about their views, it's like you're taking my last moments of life from me. Those are my final minutes to conduct as I wish. Not as you wish.
You don't get to take that from me. I will give that time to my family and friends.
The problem with religious (or political) ideologues with stars in their eyes, is that they honestly believe there is no other permutation but theirs. They believe this so strongly, yet they have no evidence of their rightness, except by the numbers of people who accept what they believe in 100%. Every person who doesn't believe 100% in what the purists (that's you) believe is a nagging reminder that maybe they, the purists (that's you), haven't got the picture totally right.
Ideologues don't want to deal with self-introspection and self-doubt like that, so they go overboard trying to convert everybody to their religion or politics. They insist they are absolutely 100% right about everything.
(Instead of trying to prove yourself right, try to prove that perhaps 1% of something you believe is wrong. Because one certainty is that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is wrong about something. So why not find out what parts of your beliefs about religion, the world, yourself, people, etc is wrong? It's better to be far more humble about the "rightness" of what you believe because everybody, including you, is wrong about something in life.)
Barging into people's hospital rooms pushing your views on them is not humbleness, it is arrogance of the first order. It is disgusting. If you can't see that, you need to spend some time alone away from your Kingdom Hall friends for a while, and talk to a greater variety of people, seeing and accepting them for who they are, instead of who you want them to be.
And if you still can't understand why what you're proposing is so wrong... there's just no getting through to you.