Would you spank your kids when they are bad?

yea my stepfather used belt and whip me hard on legs and my back.. my mom was not there so when she came, she puzzled me got scared and cry... so i showed her my legs and back and she blew up and cussed out on him!!!! after that never use belt on me again..
UMM for spanking is ok but spanking and abuse are different. Spank is which you use your hands to spank butts or spank kids' hands. For Abuse which you use your fist to beat up. Myself I use spank on his hands to make my son understand which its not supposed to be of what he is not supposed to such for example if he is not supposed to touch chemicals or bite anyone, kick anyone. Thats my main one to spank not abuse.
TweetyBird said:
yea my stepfather used belt and whip me hard on legs and my back.. my mom was not there so when she came, she puzzled me got scared and cry... so i showed her my legs and back and she blew up and cussed out on him!!!! after that never use belt on me again..

Yeah using belts to whip which you could get brusies. My young nephew and neiced recieved alot of brusies by this parents (whom their mother is in prison and their father is not whereabout) ... Its abuse. I can tell that most of mothers of kids get fear when they see the kids' fathers or stepfathers using belts to whip (beating).
PurrMeow said:
UMM for spanking is ok but spanking and abuse are different. Spank is which you use your hands to spank butts or spank kids' hands. For Abuse which you use your fist to beat up. Myself I use spank on his hands to make my son understand which its not supposed to be of what he is not supposed to such for example if he is not supposed to touch chemicals or bite anyone, kick anyone. Thats my main one to spank not abuse.

I would suggest you to talk your kids with your voice warning or face expression so that they will pay attention to you. For 2 or 3rd time not working, then spank lightly. I read that someone spank a child often that will make him/her feel insecurity when he/she gets older.

You gotta becareful not to spank when your kid turned into a hedgehog with spiny coat to defense her/himself. :giggle:
Although I have no children I am not comfortable disciplining
an animal so if I were married with children I would want my
husband to be the disciplinarian.

I have used spanking since day one, and still do today. To Roe, your ideology regarding leaving the spanking to your husband, big mistake. With that type of set up, your children will over time resent your husband, causing an extreme rift between their level of trust, communication, love, bonding, and so on and so forth. Big mistake. Spanking is a two parent system, you either do it, or you don't.
TweetyBird said:
yea my stepfather used belt and whip me hard on legs and my back.. my mom was not there so when she came, she puzzled me got scared and cry... so i showed her my legs and back and she blew up and cussed out on him!!!! after that never use belt on me again..

Ouch, I feel sorry about you :(

That's part of abuse, why don't you defensive away from him?
TweetyBird said:
yea my stepfather used belt and whip me hard on legs and my back.. my mom was not there so when she came, she puzzled me got scared and cry... so i showed her my legs and back and she blew up and cussed out on him!!!! after that never use belt on me again..

That is so awful. I am so sorry that you went thru your experience. He is jerk! I would put him in the dark closet and lock the door for 12 hours.
We rarely ever spank our 3 girls.
There are times that it's necessary. Like our 3 year old,
she ran into traffic. I say if I give her a good swat on her
butt (not to hurt her but to get her attention more like a tap).
She cries more because her "ego" has been hurt.

Other than that, there is not really any need for it.
They get their bikes taken away, time-outs, and what not.

Inless it's severely enough that they could have harmed or
seriousily injured themselves or another. We would consider it (it would have to be major, major not like hitting their sibling or something I am talking about playing with a knife or something that sort of thing).

But other than that, it's really not a routine in this household.
retromom said:
... Spanking is a two parent system, you either do it, or you don't.
True. If mom tells the kids, "wait until Daddy comes home to spank you," then soon the kids don't want to see Daddy come home. Also, punishment is more effective if it is not delayed. If the kid disobeys in the morning, why wait until evening to get it over with?
TrippLA said:
It's not my fault because that thread isn't posted since Oct 2005, I just asked if parent that who spanking children, that all. That's different stuff and don't discuss about abuse. I just want know about parent experience.

I don't spank my children. I think it wrong. I will punish them like sending them to their room or if they want something really bad, i tell them they can't have it or get it. That my view!!
webexplorer said:
I would suggest you to talk your kids with your voice warning or face expression so that they will pay attention to you. For 2 or 3rd time not working, then spank lightly. I read that someone spank a child often that will make him/her feel insecurity when he/she gets older.

You gotta becareful not to spank when your kid turned into a hedgehog with spiny coat to defense her/himself. :giggle:

Yes I second that.

I use gentle discpline and also firm discipline as well to expose my children into good and respectful behavior. Spanking doesn´t solve anything but rebel, aggressive, violence and disrespectful against you.
Reba said:
True. If mom tells the kids, "wait until Daddy comes home to spank you," then soon the kids don't want to see Daddy come home. Also, punishment is more effective if it is not delayed. If the kid disobeys in the morning, why wait until evening to get it over with?


I deal with my children myself instead of run to their Daddy... as the same as my hubby deal with children himself instead of wait until I am back from work. I beleive in doing myself because my children should learn to know and respect what I am...
Reba said:
True. If mom tells the kids, "wait until Daddy comes home to spank you," then soon the kids don't want to see Daddy come home. Also, punishment is more effective if it is not delayed. If the kid disobeys in the morning, why wait until evening to get it over with?

I think that you are from conservative neighborhood in Texas
TweetyBird said:
yea my stepfather used belt and whip me hard on legs and my back.. my mom was not there so when she came, she puzzled me got scared and cry... so i showed her my legs and back and she blew up and cussed out on him!!!! after that never use belt on me again..

Ouchies ..

when I was younger as kid my mom and my sisters' father and my step dad was used belt and wood stick my butt it is really HURT!!!!!! and also I talked to my counsellor at dorm who they watch after the kids from monday to thursday. I talked to one of my counsellor and she was shocked what I told then later she called social worker about my story then later social worker came to my school in dorm and I talked about it then later on social worker WARNING!!! on my mom and my step dad if they ever do that again to me then they will charge for that then I came home on friday night and didnt hit me again which I am glad didnt hitting me yayay. Every weekend hitting me alots mostly my step father. My mom few not always but yeah use her hand spank me alots on my head, back of shoulder, and butt and also sometime belt and wood stick. My step father use belt and his hand spank my head, my back of shoulder and butt. but glad they stop hitting me cause I dont know why cause I am only deaf ? they never hitting my 3 sisters only me but glad stop hitting me :)

if I have my own kids and I would not spank them no thanks just send to bedroom for grouned that it all :)
TrippLA said:
I think that you are from conservative neighborhood in Texas
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Taylor said:
Yeah....I know I was spanked as a kid and I think I turned out somewhat OK :whistle:

Something that did suprise me when I joined the police department was how many people call the police for us to come and discipline their kids. Some parents are afraid to discipline their kids for fear that it is abuse...and their kids act up even more and hold that fear over their parents head. I don't know about all states, but here it is OK for a parent to discipline their children...and one would hope that common sense would tell you what is discipline and what is abuse (did you spank on the butt with an open hand or did you beat them with a wooden spoon...one is discipline and one is abuse).

Yes, I agreed with you.. I have noticed alot parents have called to Police Department to come and displince their kids.. at average age 8-18.. But.. I was surprised that school social workers and among other counselors said that I can filed abuse on teenagers who hit or kicked me.. I was like.. :shock: no way.. till they gave me brochure about Parents' kids abuse to their Parents.. I read.. and sure it's scary.. now days, teen-young adults have rights what they do or want... I have seen alot kids hurt or beat even kill their parents just over little thing like.. no drive the car, no games, no money... sheesh jeez. thats why they encourage parents to start with young to have police come over and file for abuse.. to learn and teach them not to hit or beat up on parents.. Listen parents..

Taylor, earlier.. I sent you email what happen.. its not going too good, so I have the family assessment program person come and discuss to help this family to understand why I have to firm or they need to listen me not others or others get their nose butt in our family business..

:) as always say.. have faith.. and move forward.. things will be better after its all work out.. its going to be long road..
TrippLA said:
I think that you are from conservative neighborhood in Texas
Ha, ha! I have never lived in Texas.

I was born in Connecticut, and as a child lived there, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Key West, and the Mojave Desert of California. As a teen I lived in San Diego and Connecticut. In the military I lived in Maryland, Indiana, Illinois (outside Chicago), and Florida. Hubby and I retired to South Carolina. Not that any of that is relevant (no more than your statement).

In the 50's our family did drive across Texas on our way from one coast to the other; maybe that affected me ( :rofl: ).

BTW, my "spanking" dad was born and raised in Indiana, and my "spanking" mom was born and raised in Connecticut. Sorry, no "Texans." :D
I only have lightly spanked my son when he was three once and that was from running into middle of traffic after yanking his hand from my hand while crossing the road. That was the only time I ever did. I also explained to him to let him know that I really mean it that he is not to do that to me anymore and its very dangerous to run in middle of traffic. It worked for me. Other than to punish my children, I just revoke their favorite thing away from them like revoke their rights to play with x-box, take their PSP games, no television for a day, it seems to work well for me.

I have been spanked by my mom only. My dad never did.
I spanked my 3-yr-old son this morning (sure hope I don't get turned in to the authorities for abuse :nana: ) when he was trying to stick a pair of scissors into a light socket and refused to stop when I told him to. Instead, he looked at me with a mischeivous grin and proceeded to aim for the socket. I figure I would rather have his bottom be a bit sore and have him remember that there are meaningful consequences for blatant acts of defiance than have him electrocuted.

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