Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?


on the face of all known attributes regarding of your daily use of computers, it is highly likely you uploaded the WRONG picture
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since i have no pets.. so I am not giving up the computer it keeps me sane ;)
I would give up my two pets (cats) as they are giving a lot of furs all over the house. I can not get rid of the furs that they shed. That mean I love my computer more. :giggle:
Can't give up my computer cos i'm a gamer. Cats are independent. I prefer a dog who like to play and keep me company.
on the face of all known attributes regarding of your daily use of computers, it is highly likely you uploaded the WRONG picture
Which picture would you recommend me, sir?
Which picture would you recommend me, sir?

LOL, i love that, yeah its probably be a very um, unpopular and very un-welfare-ish type of picture, so um sorry I dont know !!
but yes that cracked me up laughing good one Jake...
if i come across one suitable soon id let you know but doubt it, i have too much to do at the moment, cheers
btw. hope you enjoyed your trip in america and have a safe journey back home
It is a very very tough question for me to answer cuz I love computers and kittahs!

My Deaf cat tends to sleep in front of my monitor while I am using my computer.

Gimme Royale and you keep the computer, deal?
I grew up with kittens and cats and I can't ever imagine giving them up over computer. omg that would so awful... I love my cats way too much!!!
I would rather give up my pet (since I don't have a pet to give up). ;)