Would you like to live on Mars?

There's nothing for you to see in Mars.

I would rather to visit Death Valley.
Okay, I think I must have missed something. How many percents of O2 for Mars? How it goes well? I'm really much attention to space news, tho.

Think of a Death Valley in Antarctica, mostly CO2 to breathe, major dust storms that can scrape you to death, occasional nuking from the sun, blood boiling (bends) and feeling seriously bloated from low air pressure, needless to say water can't exist as a liquid, while feeling lighter from lower gravity! Still interested? :thumb:
ah yes Death Valley is 286 feet below sea level, lowest point in northern hemisphere...i think a southern hemisphere's equivalent is in Argentina...now sure how far down, but probably lower..315 if memory serves
Think of a Death Valley in Antarctica, mostly CO2 to breathe, major dust storms that can scrape you to death, occasional nuking from the sun, blood boiling (bends) and feeling seriously bloated from low air pressure, needless to say water can't exist as a liquid, while feeling lighter from lower gravity! Still interested? :thumb:

Antarctica is a desert. So, no need to use Death Valley. :)

There'd be biospheres set up to help protect human beings. The only drawback would probqbly the (unknown) longterm effect of living Mars while almost 1/3rd lighter than on Earth. I suppose they could get regular "gravity" treatment in a slow spinning capsule or something.
Antarctica is a desert. So, no need to use Death Valley. :)

There'd be biospheres set up to help protect human beings. The only drawback would probqbly the (unknown) longterm effect of living Mars while almost 1/3rd lighter than on Earth. I suppose they could get regular "gravity" treatment in a slow spinning capsule or something.

Either you kid or have sh** for brains! No silly! I was making an example using landscapes on Earth, Mars is a freezing wasteland. :laugh2:
you're a bit late for that!!:laugh2:

In one of Ray Bradbury's stories for The Martian Chronicles, humans were the martians. Fifty Books Project 2013: The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

So be sure to get there to have your input into MSL!

I think some of the early signs will be for Cold and Can't Breath. :hmm:It might be a small language. There may also be a need to allow for decreased dexterity due to gloves of suits required when roaming outside.
I wonder... if there is an another similar earth, do you think there will be mute intelligent beings who know sign languages? :hmm: