Would you ever consider having a Hearing...

i dont need hearing dog.. as i have normal dog that know im deaf and let me know someone is at door so barking.. if need go outside.. scratch my leg let me know he need to go or is hungry.. almost all of the dogs i had knew i was deaf somehow and always let me know.. :)

but now my dog is deaf and blind.. he cant hear anymore..the only good thing he will let me know by barking is LIGHTNING.. lol.. he CAN feel it! hehe.. cute!

i will need another dog that will bark and let me know if someone at door or alert me to danger .. my sons dog scrappy died last year.. he was good dog on letting me know what is going on around here!.. even when cops came thru and up on hill at 3 AM.. i got up and see the light and wonder who was that over hill? so walked up and saw it was cop.. asking why he is on our property.. said he had a tip that we hold the STOLEN truck.. i had to wake mom up and tell her that cop is here.. if she want to talk to cop.. she said why ? so talked and she said she had NO idea that it was stolen but that the girl who brought it over here said shes going on vacation and need a place to park truck.. my nephew told her it was ok .. jeez.. pissed me n my mom off.. she told that girl never to come back here again! sigh!

i cant wait till my sister's dog have puppies.. then TJ will get one and hopefully will be a hearing dog for me! :)
I can't have hearing dog now cuz my cat will scratch him to death!! Nah, she is a scaredy cat and will hide under the couch if I bring a dog home.

One time in college, one deaf girl brought her dog to the dorm to stay with her. She got caught and the dorm manager told her to take the dog home. She lied and say that her dog is a hearing dog so she got to keep it. :lol:
For most places, it is actually illegal for businesses to demand proof that the dogs are certificated hearing dogs.

My friend has two dogs-- one is actually Hearing dog (and is spoiled as a pet) and another a pet. She took them everywhere and used orange leashes to ward off any inquires. Sometimes she will have me or her Deaf boyfriend to take one dog just to make it subtle-- i mean, two hearing dogs for one Deaf person? HA!
She knew she was abusing the power but she was never home (from midnight to 9am) so it was her way of taking care of her dogs by taking them everywhere with her.

My cat is acting as my "hearing pet"--he doesn't run away when doorbell or knock.. he ACTUALLY ran up to the door and went "meow meow" just like a dog would go "woof woof"....
He even signals if a car is pulling into our driveway. VERY GOOD CAT! (pat pat!)
I recall about 5 or 6 years ago I was living with a ex-friend and her parents, they were helping me find a place of my own to live...they found an apartment for me and they actually convinced the landlord of the place that my cats are "certified hearing cats"....ROFLMAO....but I didn't take the place though, the rent was a bit too steep. But still, that was funny!
LOL, now you guys talking about Hearing cats......

but when one really thinks about it, cats aren't 'trainable' like dogs, i suspect those cats recognised your traits as when you 'look' at the cats in a certain timely way - it might not actually 'understand your deafness' - that i doubt it, just it seems you may have come across 'as needing more attention' because the way you'd see their presence (cats) in front of your eyes, and the action you take to reduce the noises you 'dont take notice'. All the while according to the cats, they may well be 'trying to tell you' that it is annoying the heck out of them'.
Their 'motive' to stand in your way or eyes, would be like as so they are trying to do something about it with what would be the only way they 'knows' works. They (cats) are going to go where the source of noise (or at least proximy of the noise) that is, the door where its' knocking or when the car rumbles up the driveway.

In other words, those of you know abit about cats, cats thinks we're dumb (cats next down from dolphins - are the BEST body langauge readers and esp cats USE it to their advantage, whereas dolphins are more pack-type creatures -they like us, and wants to play with us /please us, unlike cats.

Cats are by large, are arrogant , has its own ulterior motive for food or quiteness or something, and will not thank us for the food we feed them, (dogs do , but that's a whole different reason, they're desecent of wolves and thinks as pack aniamls, whereas cats are like nomads)

hmmm but cool, don't read me wrong, it's not all negative, in fact I love cat, well not quite the same was I loves dogs.
ok I DO like cats, i adore them, but i prefer dogs, dogs dont deceive us like cats do. Had seeveral cats before too, but never as 'smart' as you've had described, perhaps becuase ive never had cats when living on my own...so guess from that, i / the hypothetical 'hearing cat' didnt have that same experience, to oppurtune it to be so

just own views.....
i could be wrong, while its highly unlikely that the cats are 'behaving' in exact same way as hearing dogs, put differently we may percieve it they are taking as a role as 'hearing cats' but in reality may be that they aren't trained as one, but self-taught while for it may do it an entirely different reason to our own 'romantic' opinions.

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:lol: hearing cat? Yeah, my cats jump quickly before the flash lighting comes. I know it's bell rings... It's my cats who tell me, not flash lighting... :lol:
I have 2 dogs - one is shepherd/dingo mixed and other is golden retriever/yellow lab mixed, and I have been taking them to training school for 6 weeks, and been training them to become a Hearing dogs. Copper, my oldest, the shepherd/dingo mixed is 10 years old, and he has helped me a lot for the past 8 years. He does bark, alert me when cries, ringers, or alarms goes off...

We recently adopted Frankie, he is only 8 months old, and still has a lot of training for him, but he is getting there. Retriever/Labs are very smart dogs. Blind people always get Retriever/Labs. Frankie barks at people, and he bark at the phone when it ring. It's good thing... Still has a lot of trainings.

They can be anyone's best friend, and they are my best friend for life, and I always take them EVERYWHERE. I have the speical certification for Copper and Frankie, they are Hospital's Pet and Nursing Home Pet too. They calls me to bring my dogs to them and my dogs does make every smile when they see them. Last week I took Frankie to Children's Hospital in Morgantown, and the little girl was dying from cancer, and she fell in love with Frankie. Sadly this past Friday, she passed away...
Me! I Am On My Second Hed Dog. They R The Answer To My In Daily Life And Ease My Family's Worries.
I do have a dog but I didnt need to train her. All she knows that I am deaf and she will bark at the door since I dont have doorbell. :D She will bark someone at the door when I was in the bathroom. Sure I knew someone was at the door cuz of my sweet dog. :D Good Girl Penny *pat, pat*. She also will growl at someone if near my car. :eek: Sure she is protecting my car and house of course.
I don't need a hearing dog...I thought of first but nah! I got my puppy at 8 weeks old...she learned what doorbell flash means...then right away when she see it flash, she bark her head off! She knows it is doorbell and ran to the door and really excited! Silly girl! But I love her to death!!!
I have a hearing dog, as many of you here know. Best thing I've ever done is to get her and train her myself. Technology (and electricity) fails, so it is nice to have a second set of ears.
Benefits of hearing dog?

I'm a hearing person taking my first ASL class and recently learned about hearing dogs. I have working k-9's for protection but I have never seen working hearing dog. I'm trying to understand if having a hearing dog significantly changes lifestyle compared to not having one.
hearing dogs

I share my life with a Belgian Sheep Dog. Chance, being a herding dog, is naturally alert and watchful. His ears are like radar :) He seldom barks; his alert is poking me with his pointy nose.

I trained him myself with the help of professional trainers. Chance has been a hearing dog for about 2.5 years.

I frequently drop things. He will automatically give me my wallet or keys, but does a nose poke for other items I drop.

I cannot hear the fire alarm and have been left in the work place many times. They won't do anything about it - we have wimpy strobes that cannot be seen over room lights. So, after many years of trying, I decided to be proactive and get my hearing dog to alert me to alarms.

Being a Belgian Sheep Dog, Chance thinks . . . sometimes he outthinks me. I may teach him to read . . .
I'm a hearing person taking my first ASL class and recently learned about hearing dogs. I have working k-9's for protection but I have never seen working hearing dog. I'm trying to understand if having a hearing dog significantly changes lifestyle compared to not having one.

ah lol, now im the opposite of you, a hearing dog experience is good and bad, good as in being your saviour not to miss out on thing we're supposed to be alerted to, like beligumsheepdogs spoke of her experience about smoke/fire alarms, yep that happens to me too. I'm a HOH more than deaf, and yet becuase of this 'slightly deaf in appearance according to the unenlightened hearies views upon me (not all their fault, just lack of experience /awareness on their own part) .
the bad part about heaing dogs is hearies doubts and pestering you from all directions its not funny, just ask Pek1 , which is classic, thought a right bloody nusience , it all seemed to boil down that hearing dog have a reputation (at present) to be jumpy and overly extroverts, so it confuses everybody.

now back to me, I for one would like to know more about effect of dogs for protection. do you train dogs for protections for hearing or deaf people?

on top of that wheres the best website to read up about it? (im lazy) i mean best as in everything like temperments matching and how to exploit certain characters of dogs to your advantages to enable their protection WHILE at same to note how to flag down threats to dog Before the dogs attacks! this bit im kind of interested in. the 'how much control you really have, that is in theory to be able to switch from hearing dog duty, to guarding and not just alerting, where i suspect many get confused with, and thinking how protective or cute.

i would add that, there is a complete lack of realistic literature on impact of hearing dogs for deaf people other than proclaiming the romantic/doggie love views and industry-building hypes.

I have a guide dog. She also lets me know if someone is at the door but only if we are in the same room. I also ask bus drivers to call Jilli when I get to my stop. So when she gets up I ask bus driver to tap me if I am at the right stop. Sometimes they co operate although not always.

Jilli is a wonderful companion. I won't be replacing her when she retires. Not while she's still alive anyway as I think it would be heartless after all she's done for me just to replace her. I will use a long cane instead.
i used to have hearing cats they did those things and they refused to leave my side when i am alone always stayed on my side all the time

i would get hearing dog to keep me company that all
I did consider getting a hearing dog, but maybe not til way down the road when my kids are out of the nest.
I have a guide dog. She also lets me know if someone is at the door but only if we are in the same room. I also ask bus drivers to call Jilli when I get to my stop. So when she gets up I ask bus driver to tap me if I am at the right stop. Sometimes they co operate although not always.

Jilli is a wonderful companion. I won't be replacing her when she retires. Not while she's still alive anyway as I think it would be heartless after all she's done for me just to replace her. I will use a long cane instead.

That's nice and wonderful that Jilli is a great companion and works real well for you. Mind saying how old she is? Also, very nice and thoughtful of you to keep her as long as she is around..obviously shows that there is indeed a very good and strong bond. Have a good day-- :)
