Would you eat cloned meat?

Would you eat cloned meat?

  • No

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters
I voted NO. Due to the fact that it has too many chemicals involved. The meat that we already eat has ENOUGH!!
Who says cloned meat has too many chemicals involved?
I voted no. I wouldn't wanna to eat cloned meat, prefer to eat original meat. If original meat runs out in the future I would prolly switch to vegan and dream of original meat while eating vegan food. heh
For all we know, we could already be eating cloned meat right now! ;)
"It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!"
It is waste of money to clone animals when you can breed animals for free. I wld eat meats regardless if it s cloned or not. Cloning s good idea if there s specific animals that are dangerous of being extinct. But most of the time cows/chicken are good enough for our meat intakes.
Who says cloned meat has too many chemicals involved?

Ok isn't the FDA is so corrupted that we eat meat today that caused the Mad Cow disease. even though that wasn't a chemical component but it shows how the FDA and the government hides alot of the facts on the foods we eat today.

Crops being sprayed with chemicals. The "young and Tender Chicken" advertised they didn't use hormones. Do you believe that. I don't. due to I used to work for a Chicken processing plant.

It is an expensive process to clone meats and they will, if they haven't already...use chemicals to speed up the growth process. It would be very naive to believe that a lab is not using any chemicals on cloning to sterilize the components before it arrives to the surrogated mom.
ROFL!! Exactly my worries!...hahaha!
Im not so sure about eating anything cloned..eeeks!
They better label everything original and cloned so they
can choose whether to buy cloned or not...
Im kind of leery of them cloned meat....

Exactly, it's people's decision either they want to buy cloned meat or not.
Actually cloned meat is going to be more expensive than regular meat due to the chemicals in making up the cloned meat.

No, cloned meat is cheaper than original meat because they can clone more animal fast and plus use hormones to make them grow big fast is cheaper...

Hormones in animals are banned in most EU countries including Germany. It look like that EU consider clone meats, too (I hope not). They are going to label it if EU authorities approves.
"It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!"
Ha, ha, one of my favorite movie lines. "It's people!" :lol:
Just to be clear:

The animals are cloned; meat is not cloned. That is, steaks and hamburgers aren't being cloned. The animals from which they come are being cloned.

The animals still go thru full gestation and growth; they aren't being replicated full grown in a starship.
Just to be clear:

The animals are cloned; meat is not cloned. That is, steaks and hamburgers aren't being cloned. The animals from which they come are being cloned.

The animals still go thru full gestation and growth; they aren't being replicated full grown in a starship.

Yes, we know that the animals are cloned but we call it meat because they are being cloned fast and then kill cloned animals for the meat. That's why we call it as cloned meat because they are cloned animals.

I rather to see original animal instead of clone animal or use chemical (hormones) to grow the animal fast.
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exactly, we already eat most of vegetable that involved with chemical that make rapid growth.

Yeah, vegetables/fruits/meats are involved with chemical to make them grow fast.

If you don't want to have chemicals in vegetables, fruits and meats then buy them at ogranic shop or grow them at your own garden.
No, cloned meat is cheaper than original meat because they can clone more animal fast and plus use hormones to make them grow big fast is cheaper...

Hormones in animals are banned in most EU countries including Germany. It look like that EU consider clone meats, too (I hope not). They are going to label it if EU authorities approves.

But the science behind the cloning experiment isn't cheap.

Which is cheaper, breeding animals naturally or the 'cloning way'?

That was how it was explained on the news.....
But the science behind the cloning experiment isn't cheap.

Which is cheaper, breeding animals naturally or the 'cloning way'?

That was how it was explained on the news.....

sell the couple calf are expensive, because they laid each othercan breed so awesome to watch them like dirty porn.

clone their own calf are cheap. Got it? Clean and no porn to see.
sell the couple calf are expensive, because they laid each othercan breed so awesome to watch them like dirty porn.

clone their own calf are cheap. Got it? Clean and no porn to see.

So you are into beastility??????????????????

my vote says NO! but i can eat original meats than cloned meats its healthy foods!

I agree with you! I voted NO! I hate cloned meats! What if this would be go cheap for it, so next I will maybe go to vegan?
The current goal of those who clone is to multiply "superior" examples of an animal. After being cloned, the cloned animals are expected to breed naturally.

The process of breeding, apparrently, does not multiply as quickly as the market demands. For example, Angus beef - through a study - has been found not to contain 50% angus genes. Obviously, they tried to cross breed too quickly, resulting in a different quality. The market, today, may not want tomorrow. What to do? Cloning allows for same quality for breeding purposes only. (That's what the industry is promising now.)

There is, also, a concern for dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, & butter). It's not only meat.

According to Viagen, a leader within the cloning industry, the costs are:
$16,000 for first cow
$10,000 additional cows
$6,000 per pig

For me, cloning is an infant science. Sort of like when a new version of Windows (or Apple/Macintosh) comes out. I don't run to the store for it; I know there will be bugs. The FDA, on the heels of the European Union's vote of confidence, vouches for its safety.

I voted "I don't know" . . . because, truly, I don't know.

I have a greater concern, though. Where is the line drawn? Alexander Graham Bell decreed that all doctors, within the Hippocratic oath, was to sterilize deaf (and other "defective" people). He was a proud member of the Darwinist society (only the strong shall survive - "a natural selection of natural law").

Cattle and pigs today. Soylent Green (humans) tomorrow?

This is where I'm at. I'd like to believe in human decency. I am well aware of market demands. I have faith in the next generation and mine. What about tomorrow?