Would you do to hurt the animal?


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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The Squirrels are everywhere in the village where I live.

Well, I was on my way to work this morning & saw squirrel ran to road. She was fresh hit by other car front of my eyes.

2 schoolgirls went to check lying injured squirrel. I stopped & follow 2 girls after & check if other cars come to us middle on the road. Squirrel was still alive but she/he lost a lot of blood on part of head. Squirrel got hardly breath & cries. It makes me cry to see squirrel suffer because I know the pain feeling. I wish I’m Vet & know how to cure her/him but it’s impossible to stay alive because he/she lost a lot of blood. We ignored the angry driver’s remark for call us nasty names because we are still on the middle of road to take care of squirrel. I get my small old towel to carry squirrel with the help from 2 girls with towel back to side of street. I pat squirrel’s soft fur & watch her/him for few minutes until she/he died.

Would you do when you see animals run over to road?

I know that animals are senseless & run over suddenly front of the car but I always drive slowly because I know wild animals are everywhere. I drive slowly & check & make sure the car behind the back then drive slower….

Accord German law between animal & human:
I am on the responsible for cause car accident if I stop suddenly when the animals are on the road. I don’t agree with German law because the driver will be on responsible to hit behind the back of my car if I stop suddenly when the humans are on the road but animal? I can’t see the difference between animal & human.

I’m not agreeing with German law because I want animal being treat the same as human.

What do you think?

Come to discuss with us here & share your experience with us here.
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I had no way of avoiding in hitting a cat when I was on way home from Phillip Island -- I was on a dark 2 way road -- cars in front and behind me...so had no chance in swerving to avoid that. :(

The other one was on a freeway in California -- Highway 580 on way to San Francisco - was travelling at speed limit 55mph and no way in stopping to avoid hitting the cat as well.

All I can do is pray that the animals didn't suffer when they were hit. I just know that most animals instantly die when they are hit by cars or trucks, etc.
nooo!!!!! i dont wanna hurt animals!!! if i just happen hit animal and i will be cry and breakheart cuz of i feel bad!!!!
I always tried to slow down to avoid hitting the animals. So far, I haven't hit any animals, which is fortunate, but I always feel bad when I saw dead animals, particularly pets, on the roads. :(
No way. I care the animals. If I hit it. I will take love buried. If injury I have to hold until dead. I will cry for it. I never see the animal hit by cars.
If my dog run over the road. Car hit and keep go. I will follow him.

I love animals...

My dad drive to CA. squirrel try come on road. My dad saw it and stop car. squirrel did run over road. My family hate kill animal for nothinig...

*Bless to squirrel*
Ouch ..I know the feeling when you run over a squirrel. Been there and done that.

This reminds me of an experience I had a few years ago. On a road trip in northern California for work, I was driving with an interpreter. Suddenly we saw a car front of me braking hard then driving off really fast. We couldn't see what happened so we just drove on a few more yards before we realized that there was a mother deer walking all over the road. We thought that something must have happened for the mother deer to be still on the road. So we pulled over and searched alongside the road. Sure enough, we found a bleeding fawn. I was terrified of touching the fawn but my interpreter said we need to move the body into the woods so that the mother deer can find her beloved one. So we dragged the fawn into the woods. Blood was all over my shirt and hands.

We hid behind some trees to see if the mother deer would come off the road and go to her beloved on. The mother deer sniffed around for us but didn't detect us. So the mother deer went over to the body of her beloved.

We left the woods crying hard. It was sad to see how the mother deer was devastated by her loss.
Oh God.

I ran over a cat... I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH PAIN I FELT-- as a feline lover. I felt HORRIBLE and I just started bawling as my friends try to steer my wheel to pull over to a stop.

It was nighttime and BUSY... I was coming up on a curve and at the same time, I was listening to my friend who was telling a STORY ... It was too late and I knew my friends were driving behind me (tailgating me as well) so I couldn't slam on my brakes and there were cars coming on other lanes as well. I did swerve to the lane where cars usually park (but there were no parked cars) but the cat kept running into my path...I dont understand why the cat ran across. It was busy and there were more cars in front of me. It just decided to pick me as its Grim Reaper.

My friend who was telling the story was upset because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the back and I "had the nerve to swerve" then she realized that I was crying and my boyfriend (who was in the passenger seat) told her that I accidently hit a cat.

My other friends in the cars behind me pulled up aside to me and asked me if I was okay because they saw my car going "SCREEEEECH (swerving) BRAKKKKKEEEEE"

Horrible experience. Ever since I kept going SLOW on THAT curve, day and night.
I become utlra-paranoid with the curves in nighttime and I always kept an alert eye for all cats on the roads. I even told my friends/boyfriend to slow down and to watch out for cats. they were like, "so? they will get out of my way."

I threaten my dog's life on a regular basis, but no, would never dream of following through with 99.99999999% of my threats, mostly made in the heat of the moment. For more information, feel free to look in my LiveJournal. :)
I've killed a few animals while growing up. The last time I remember killing an animal was 12 years ago when I ran over two squirrels at the same time. :roll:
That's sad.. Some people are just so thoughtless they don't bother to pull over and help a poor animal. I think the same thing, "What if this animal was a human?!" It's frustrating. I even hate hunting. I hate the idea of people shooting deers just for a trophey... I can't even eat meat and think about how they suffered to feed us.. It's too depressing..

I remember two years ago a dog was running along a wall on a highway where he couldn't get out away from the cars. I felt so bad for him I actually pulled over to help him get out, but he was afraid of me that he ran across the street and got hit by a car. I grabbed him before another car hit him but it was so dark people couldn't see me.. So I did it as fast as I could. I got him and held him in my arms till he died.. It was the saddest thing I've ever been thru.. I had to call the rightful owner of the dog and tell them what happened.. I feel SO bad! If I never got out of my car, I'm sure he would have been okay!! It's all my fault. I will NEVER forgive myself for that. :thumbd: :tears:
i did crash the horse at night but here is nothing i can do with the horse. i feel so bad for them.


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I remember my ex husband hit a deer on a quiet road where trees were all over that area and once he got out of the car, I notice he was reaching something out of his back pocket, and didn't know what he was doing since it was soo dark outside but only could see a little bit, when he got back into the car , he had those two bloody horns that were in his hand, boy I screamed at him and told him how cold he was for cutting the horns off of the deer's head and this is what he said back to me ' the buck is already dead what the difference '....I will never forget that night.... :squint:

For myself, I had never once hit any animals on the road, but when I was a little girl I used to run over a couple of frogs with my bike.....I was just too little to understand.... :aw:

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