World's youngest mother aged 11

wow.... that's young. I remember when I was in 7th grade, there was a girl who was pregnant in my class and we were barely 14.... I thought that was so young but man... 11 is too young!!! But the mother doesn't look 11... she looks 16!!
frisky, its not just the age(time) thing, its also the biological make up, i mean in general, the genes and the breeds (read 'race'), play in a lot in its determining the 'breeding/fattening/drying/dying time frames' like darker people gets pubic hairs and balls drops in boys alot earlier than paler counterparts, and they die earlier. But asians, i think alot of their longivity got more to do with diets (fishes, rice and veges,thats another topic though)
In America, he would be serving 15 years!(in prison) She looks 13-14 but still very wrong for a 19 year old to be interested! He should date women no younger than 16 and preferably 18+
Schools need to teach abstinence and explain there's nothing "cool" about sex, it's just an (dirty, disgusting)act that's intended by nature for procreation.
frisky, its not just the age(time) thing, its also the biological make up, i mean in general, the genes and the breeds (read 'race'), play in a lot in its determining the 'breeding/fattening/drying/dying time frames' like darker people gets pubic hairs and balls drops in boys alot earlier than paler counterparts, and they die earlier. But asians, i think alot of their longivity got more to do with diets (fishes, rice and veges,thats another topic though)

You think so deeply. ;)

I am surprised that she got period earlier than age 11. If no period then you can't get pregnant. :cool2:
Um.. young... yes...

World record.. no
Lina Medina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Youngest Mother Recorded.

:shock: Holy! Shock though the case of Lina Medina to be different. It's not like she "decided" or "wanted" to have sex with a man. It's more of one of the world's greatest medical mysteries I'd say.

btw, I only stated the thread title as it is due to the article's headline :cool2:
I think they mistranslated the father's answer when asked; "What did you do when you found out she was pregant?" ... his most likely answer was "I shit my pants and tried to hide out but her father found me and threatened to kill me unless I married her!"

Far too young even at 15 and DEFINITELY too young at age 5 years old.

It happens when rape goes on of these young girls and nobody does anything about it. Likewise when different cultures try to rationalize that it's common among their people. It's still rape IMO and it's still wrong. Emotionally these girls are not ready for such relationships.

What a sad world.