World's most lesbian-friendly city


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Mar 25, 2006
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Guess what is the world's most lesbian-friendly city?? What's surprising news to hear... It's Seattle, where I live... I have seen gays and lesbians hold their hands in public in some areas of Seattle. Seattle is a very liberal town in some ways. In fact, gays and lesbians don't bother me at all...

Below is the message I copied and pasted:

Seattle: World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City
Distinct from San Francisco’s win as the more male-oriented World’s Most Gay-Friendly City – and yes, we know we’re practicing some sexual balkanization here, but lighten up, it’s a poll – the Emerald City of Seattle [XML/Atom] emerged as the World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City. Other than a shared appreciation of the female form, I don’t claim to have special insight into the lesbian mindset, so I found this surprising. How to explain Seattle as particularly lesbian-friendly? “Dykes love trucks,” said one Seattle-nominator. They certainly have trucks in Seattle, but it’s also home to the oldest lesbian community center in the country, one of the largest dyke-pride marches, and of course, the great outdoors. And even though the grunge heyday is long gone, Seattle remains one of the music capitals of America, and tough rocker chicks are always welcome. More active dykes also appreciate the ladies of the Seattle Storm, the city’s Amazonian WNBA franchise. But it’s not all crunchy granola, as lesbian promoters have launched several hugely successful parties targeting the urban ladies who like ladies – chief among them Girl4GIRL, which packs ‘em in every third Saturday of the month at various venues. And between parties, there’s always the Wild Rose.
Aw Im sort of sad boston wasnt top,but I totally agree my ex was from seattle and when I lived there it was extremely LGBT friendly.

good going seattle.
No wonder why there's tons of lesbains happily frolicking around in Seattle without any problems. I see so many tomboys, butches, etc. I know there are straight ones, of course. Also, my gf is one of them, too! ;)
Yeah I thoguht so too because that's where I went to Clarke in that town....soo many Lesbian everywhere. At first I wasn't too sure till I got older, I didn't care.

So I haven't been back to Northampton since 1990!! I shoudl pay a visit one day. :) I love it there. So beautiful! Smith College is a woman college, make sense now? Smith and Clarke is not far from each other. About a mile.

EyesBlueDeaf said:
interesting that Northampton, Mass is not on the list... Thought it was the most lesbian-friendly neighborhood.. Saw the documentary about this town on TV several years ago "Lesbian Town",_Massachusetts
258!!!!!! I went Seattle in umm 1999, I think. I'll need to look at my picture and see what year I went up! LOL! We will probably make a trip to Seattle in 2008. Soo Sweetheart and Seq watch out for us! :giggle: And Seattle.guy, too.

Seattle.guy said:
Guess what is the world's most lesbian-friendly city?? What's surprising news to hear... It's Seattle, where I live... I have seen gays and lesbians hold their hands in public in some areas of Seattle. Seattle is a very liberal town in some ways. In fact, gays and lesbians don't bother me at all...

Below is the message I copied and pasted:

Seattle: World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City
Distinct from San Francisco’s win as the more male-oriented World’s Most Gay-Friendly City – and yes, we know we’re practicing some sexual balkanization here, but lighten up, it’s a poll – the Emerald City of Seattle [XML/Atom] emerged as the World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City. Other than a shared appreciation of the female form, I don’t claim to have special insight into the lesbian mindset, so I found this surprising. How to explain Seattle as particularly lesbian-friendly? “Dykes love trucks,” said one Seattle-nominator. They certainly have trucks in Seattle, but it’s also home to the oldest lesbian community center in the country, one of the largest dyke-pride marches, and of course, the great outdoors. And even though the grunge heyday is long gone, Seattle remains one of the music capitals of America, and tough rocker chicks are always welcome. More active dykes also appreciate the ladies of the Seattle Storm, the city’s Amazonian WNBA franchise. But it’s not all crunchy granola, as lesbian promoters have launched several hugely successful parties targeting the urban ladies who like ladies – chief among them Girl4GIRL, which packs ‘em in every third Saturday of the month at various venues. And between parties, there’s always the Wild Rose.
I actually believe Seattle sure very friendly with gay and lesbian communites, one of my friend move to Seattle from Minnestoa, he love it there! Someday Fly Free and I would stop by for to pay them a visti!
Your Mom said:
Aw Im sort of sad boston wasnt top,but I totally agree my ex was from seattle and when I lived there it was extremely LGBT friendly.

good going seattle.

I searched for Key West, FL. Couldn't find it.

We're very GLBT friendly down here. :thumb:
sequoias said:
No wonder why there's tons of lesbains happily frolicking around in Seattle without any problems. I see so many tomboys, butches, etc. I know there are straight ones, of course. Also, my gf is one of them, too! ;)

I agree.
Seattle...surpised :)

Wow ! Literally I didn't know that was the most lesbian friendly city in the US.

Of course...I believe that some minor cities has their own 'friendly' gay mecca.

I suppor that city in Miami/Ft.Lauderdale/Keywest-FL :cheers:

Oh by the way...what made me laugh is that 'Dykes loves trucks' - that's defiantely true.
actually clarke is a part of smith....I got friends who go to smith, and i mean....i go to clarke for audi services.
Gays and Lesbians friendly here in Los Angeles too... Almost all of interpreters are gay or lesbians.. i love them... Lots of gay or lesbians deafies here in Los Angeles ...
Seattle !???!?! I dont buy it.. since i knew a few had plms in Seattle are not friendly as well.. iit doenst matter where tho as long as u use ur own commonsense who u hang out with... :)
Seattle.guy said:
Guess what is the world's most lesbian-friendly city?? What's surprising news to hear... It's Seattle, where I live... I have seen gays and lesbians hold their hands in public in some areas of Seattle. Seattle is a very liberal town in some ways. In fact, gays and lesbians don't bother me at all...

Below is the message I copied and pasted:

Seattle: World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City
Distinct from San Francisco’s win as the more male-oriented World’s Most Gay-Friendly City – and yes, we know we’re practicing some sexual balkanization here, but lighten up, it’s a poll – the Emerald City of Seattle [XML/Atom] emerged as the World’s Most Lesbian-Friendly City. Other than a shared appreciation of the female form, I don’t claim to have special insight into the lesbian mindset, so I found this surprising. How to explain Seattle as particularly lesbian-friendly? “Dykes love trucks,” said one Seattle-nominator. They certainly have trucks in Seattle, but it’s also home to the oldest lesbian community center in the country, one of the largest dyke-pride marches, and of course, the great outdoors. And even though the grunge heyday is long gone, Seattle remains one of the music capitals of America, and tough rocker chicks are always welcome. More active dykes also appreciate the ladies of the Seattle Storm, the city’s Amazonian WNBA franchise. But it’s not all crunchy granola, as lesbian promoters have launched several hugely successful parties targeting the urban ladies who like ladies – chief among them Girl4GIRL, which packs ‘em in every third Saturday of the month at various venues. And between parties, there’s always the Wild Rose.
Your Mom said:
Aw Im sort of sad boston wasnt top,but I totally agree my ex was from seattle and when I lived there it was extremely LGBT friendly.

good going seattle.
I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body...Help me ... Help me!!! Oops... did I just say that outloud?

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