World's deepest indoor swimming pool

Another video of the same pool:

[ame=]Nemo 33 : The Deepest Pool in the World [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
I get the bends just thinking about going down there and back. Dang.
Nice, I also paid 40 in cancun to learn to scuba dive. Somehow I got a discount when i started to tlak Spanish...
I got certified at Gallaudet and our instructor was from NIH and she was helped by a Navy diver who also taught the class. Our dive for certification was in 13 degree weather in December in a Quarry in Delaware.

I then went to Cancun with friends for a 5 day diving trip (2 dives per day). It was beautiful there. I also have a friend from Saudi Arabia that invited me to go to his family reunion near the Red Sea. He is a royal family member of the Al-Obaid tribe.