Workmates skipping relay


Oct 14, 2006
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What the best way to explain others that we , too, want to be part of the work envoriment? How do you explain that you would like to be included in important workflow information by having them to make an effort to use the relay system. If the ADA requires that the deaf via relay should get a relay call from a timekeepers, himself instead of calling his friends to ask me. I find my work info a little private. Sometimes, others would call the cube next to me and then call the next cube and then call another guy to tell us to put do something to a job. It feels like someone higher up has told many not to call me since I'm deaf. (HOH). Even in emergencies, many don't bother to call me for work info. It feels like they don't know that its an embarrassment for them not to treat me that same as others when we all have the same job skills. My boss always calls my next-cube workmate for info and plans. Doesn't ADA call for a "Same treatment' eviroment for everyone? If so, is there a better way to explain this to others or perhaps an article on this subject? want to grow in my job but others find the relay inconvenient.
I'm hoping for a promotion but the education in our diversity department is lacking in the deaf department. Lots have been more focused in the foreign department, blacks department, mental and gays and others. Perhaps I should call the diversity department but I don't want such a huge spotlight beaming down on me since I'm very busy with my job.
Well, ADA does not require that relay be used... but required that you get the information as everyone else does. So, there are other alternatives that could be used. Text messaging through mobile devices, AIM, TTY to TTY, video phones (or web cam), etc. The company could provide you with a mobile device for text messaging purposes only. That way, if your boss wants to see you right now... he can simply text you with "Please see me in my office." Other uses would be "Meeting at 8 pm in room 1321. Check email for more details." There are a lot of uses. It doesn't have to be done only through relay.