I completely disagree with you 100 percent about once getting CI, you are off from SSA, SSI and SSD for life. No, no, no, no!!!!
CI only helps you to clarify in hearing loss does not mean to make you a hearing person. I got them three times and guess what I am still on government benefits even health benefits. Got two Advanced Bionics Hi Resolution and 90k. They both failed on me. This time I got nucleus freedom, it is working well so far.
I am almost done with achieving my degree. My internship experience was great and am ready to start my real career and life as soon as I graduate. The CI did not help me through this college to achieve my degree. It was all me, my work, my commitment in school work and myself staying on the right path.
I would check with your attourney again. What you said about the CI and government benefits are not true. The unemployment rates are true because they are lazy that is the problem. I have met all of them and they do not want to proceed to achieve their goals. Might be parents fault for not pushing them through school and commitments in life? They rather stay home 24 hours a day and party on drugs.

That is what is like where I live in. It was sad for them as I am moving up and out of here.
I myself am 100 percent deaf. With the CI, it helps with the communication better. My depression will be in my life forever no matter what. This is all me that I have to control my depression, goals, and my life.
I hope this clears up?