Work or Welfare or college?



Why do we have to work or welfare or college?

Why do we have to work or attend to college or welfare like ssi, adc, ssa, ssdi, and etc...?

I have two jobs which I work for 70-75 hours a week. Im planning go back to college in winter as my second year. There are some reasons why i have two jobs and college because it is part of life to depend on. First, I work both job to make my living. Second, I have to pay the bills for my home, car, college, foods, clothes, and my daughter. Third, I would be able to have my money budget better. Finally, both jobs are most priority so is college.

College is important for me to attend and finish it because I would be able to get a degree like Bachelor degree or Master degree that I can get a better and real job in the future. That is all it matters.
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I am very glad eternity and I had this debate about SSI/SSDI when we met for Oktoberfest. Eternity showed real humility and intelligence on her part and she's a wonderful person! Eternity was telling me that she worked a lot of hours that's not considered your normal "full-time" hours and yet, she's still a single mother of a beautiful daughter!!! She's sooo proud of her daughter and she does show her daughter's picture around.. the striking resemblance between mother and daughter is uncanny! Eternity and I debated about SSI/SSDI and we both agreed that it's good for people who cannot work at all, they should collect SSDI. People who can work and yet collect government assistance, they should get off their asses and work! I want to go back to college because there's so much I want to accomplish for both myself and the hearing/deaf community.
It's really great that you and Eternity had a good discussion at the gathering. :gossip: Freaky, I know you can do it with the kind of commitment you have to the deaf community.

I worked a few part time jobs while taking a full courseload (18-23 credits per semester). It wasn't easy for me, but I managed to graduated in 4 years. I did sacrifice my social life..... while I do understand some people using SSI while going to school. That's probably a good idea, it would allow you to focus more on your school and any organization you may chose to be committed to. But it's totally up to you.... depends on what kind of goals you have with the how's when's and where's....

You can also decide to not attend college or take SSI, and instead work full time... your choice! It was mostly parental pressure for me to attend college. *grin* so soon! I reckon if you have a degree, you have more chances of getting a higher paid job and not having to work so much. You also get the benefit of having created a network through college... finding better jobs, locations, etc.
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Yes, I still go to college plus get SSDI income here because I had a hard time finding a part time job in San Francisco where the economy is so bad. I plan to use SSDI on temporarily basis until I get a job somewhere else. I prefer to seek job after I graduate next year.

I am aware that pros/cons on SSI/SSDI, but I consider that SSI/SSDI is "assisting" Deaf people while going to colleges. However, it is up to them to seek SSI/SSDI.. Or they can get part time jobs to support themselves. I know that it is not easy for college students or people with severe disabilities to survive on small incomes.
You girls beat me because i just re-editted my thread, ha. Yes Freaky I remembered that we discussed about ssi and ssa. If they do not have any problem with their physical. Therfore, there is no reason for them to be L A Z Y or look for an excuse that they wont hire them just because they are * D E A F * That is most lame excuse that I have ever heard. When I moved back here from California and I got a job within a week and half. Later, I got a job within a day. I believe it is not sooooo hard to find a job. All you do is to be AGGRESSIVE. BE AGGRESSIVE. I have been tellin some people to get a job and they were like HOW HOW? You have to fill an application OUT and talk to a MANAGER that you are interesting in a job position and manager would be glad to set up an interview with you.

I manage with two jobs, my daughter, and all at same time. Speak of SURVIVE. Never give up. Just keep going and going. You will do FINE. In the future.. You will say.. my gosh.. look at me.. my life is much easy than before. All you think is positive. That what Im doing. I know life is tough and I choose to do it anyway.
eternity said:
You girls beat me because i just re-editted my thread, ha. Yes Freaky I remembered that we discussed about ssi and ssa. If they do not have any problem with their physical. Therfore, there is no reason for them to be L A Z Y or look for an excuse that they wont hire them just because they are * D E A F * That is most lame excuse that I have ever heard. When I moved back here from California and I got a job within a week and half. Later, I got a job within a day. I believe it is not sooooo hard to find a job. All you do is to be AGGRESSIVE. BE AGGRESSIVE. I have been tellin some people to get a job and they were like HOW HOW? You have to fill an application OUT and talk to a MANAGER that you are interesting in a job position and manager would be glad to set up an interview with you.

I manage with two jobs, my daughter, and all at same time. Speak of SURVIVE. Never give up. Just keep going and going. You will do FINE. In the future.. You will say.. my gosh.. look at me.. my life is much easy than before. All you think is positive. That what Im doing. I know life is tough and I choose to do it anyway.

I hear you loud and clear. I will send my resumes to every companies across US within a few months. Right now, I prefer to focus on my education because I have only few months left to get MS degree.
LMFAO eternity girly!! I was so damn impressed with eternity when she told how she found a job in a week and a half after moving several states away from where she lived! She was so aggressive in finding a job, she didn't have a "Woe is me, I'm unemployed" attitude. She hit the streets and searched high and low for jobs and sure enough she did it! That's why I can really appreciate hard-workers like eternity since she's working 2 jobs and she's also a single mother.
:shock: how u work 70-75 hours per week? I'm single father of 1 child.. and i work 40 hrs a week.. and i still need more money to keep the budget more comfortable. i have no clue how to get a second job while my son goes to child care..
Oddball said:
I hear you loud and clear. I will send my resumes to every companies across US within a few months. Right now, I prefer to focus on my education because I have only few months left to get MS degree.

what MS program?

I agreed you 90% but 10% somewhat...

Depends on Deaf peoples who cannot go work due their health reason.. can use SSDI or SDI (Welfare) wha..ever..

I do truly respect some Deaf peoples who have problem their health due Doctor orders.. Is that your reason thinks may be that person who have problem is that part "LAZY"??? Can you clarfity explain please so...

Oh Certinally of course I know some Deaf people who can WORK.. of course I agreed you..

Depends on Which "States" or "Province" some people's attudies, I've seen I had been in an interview (being I'm testing with others people attudies), Ahh, Very interesting their attudies reacts...says " Oh Oh.. You're Deaf.. er um... That plant isn't suitable fits in to you.. blah blah blah.. I respond quicker.. Very nice try, I passed the test of WHMIS and had experinced past my prevouis work field in the plant. They reacts shocked and gulped.. hard to replied.. I stand up.. Thank you very much for your time an interview with me.. then I left.. Pretty hillouris laugh so hard.. What heck their wasting time, seems they have proven their challenge with Deaf Peoples.

I'm currently working as same my husband's work company.. Pretty cool.. They are very aggersive challenge with Deaf People.. Im very impressive. I admit I did foreplay with an interview other job... and to see how's their reacts.. (interesting)..

I do not blame anyone who Deaf cannot job.. who really WANT JOB SO BADLY but peoples' attudies that is my point about... Doesn't willing challenge with Deaf people work in their plant or office whatever any general work.
Bullym0m said:

I agreed you 90% but 10% somewhat...

Depends on Deaf peoples who cannot go work due their health reason.. can use SSDI or SDI (Welfare) wha..ever..

I do truly respect some Deaf peoples who have problem their health due Doctor orders.. Is that your reason thinks may be that person who have problem is that part "LAZY"??? Can you clarfity explain please so...

Oh Certinally of course I know some Deaf people who can WORK.. of course I agreed you..

Depends on Which "States" or "Province" some people's attudies, I've seen I had been in an interview (being I'm testing with others people attudies), Ahh, Very interesting their attudies reacts...says " Oh Oh.. You're Deaf.. er um... That plant isn't suitable fits in to you.. blah blah blah.. I respond quicker.. Very nice try, I passed the test of WHMIS and had experinced past my prevouis work field in the plant. They reacts shocked and gulped.. hard to replied.. I stand up.. Thank you very much for your time an interview with me.. then I left.. Pretty hillouris laugh so hard.. What heck their wasting time, seems they have proven their challenge with Deaf Peoples.

I'm currently working as same my husband's work company.. Pretty cool.. They are very aggersive challenge with Deaf People.. Im very impressive. I admit I did foreplay with an interview other job... and to see how's their reacts.. (interesting)..

I do not blame anyone who Deaf cannot job.. who really WANT JOB SO BADLY but peoples' attudies that is my point about... Doesn't willing challenge with Deaf people work in their plant or office whatever any general work.

I disagree. It is rarely for a hearing person to understand the deaf culture and to provide accommodations to meet the deaf employee’s needs. I believe it is the deaf people’s responsibility to educate employers in order to reduce discriminations as result of ignorance on the employer’s part. If both held the same hostile attitude against each other, there will be no real solutions to the current issue in employment. I agree with Eternity that being aggressive is a part of the solution and I need to add that a positive attitude is also essential. Remember, employers are the ones who will offer you a job and it is rarely for them to face a deaf applicant. On the other hand, I think most of the deaf people deal with hearings almost on a daily basis so it is easier for us to establish harmony relationship with them if we can act first.
I don’t deny that there exists assholes and civil ways to deal with them are almost impossible. In that case, sue their asses off with Du Charme & Cohen LPP.
kalboy said:
I disagree. It is rarely for a hearing person to understand the deaf culture and to provide accommodations to meet the deaf employee’s needs. I believe it is the deaf people’s responsibility to educate employers in order to reduce discriminations as result of ignorance on the employer’s part. If both held the same hostile attitude against each other, there will be no real solutions to the current issue in employment. I agree with Eternity that being aggressive is a part of the solution and I need to add that a positive attitude is also essential. Remember, employers are the ones who will offer you a job and it is rarely for them to face a deaf applicant. On the other hand, I think most of the deaf people deal with hearings almost on a daily basis so it is easier for us to establish harmony relationship with them if we can act first.
I don’t deny that there exists assholes and civil ways to deal with them are almost impossible. In that case, sue their asses off with Du Charme & Cohen LPP.
Of course I do applaud Eternity's aggersive. My pointview is... Is about "GENERAL" not about herself..
She had been aggersive her own and to find a job.. Did great job..

My point view: Wha.. about other Deaf people "WHO CANNOT WORK DUE THEIR HEALTH BY DOCTOR ORDERS" Can you discuss this ?? Do you still not approve about this ?

Okay.. Kalboy.. You're from Cailfornian.. Have you heard about other states or Canada (province) ?? My province is ONTARIO... Highest percent unemployment 80% which had been fusterate to find a job due HIGHLY DISCRIMATIONS.. I think you should carefully studies other states and canada (province). I advise you don't jump colucusin (sp)

kalboy wrote: It is rarely for a hearing person to understand the deaf culture and to provide accommodations to meet the deaf employee’s needs.

My answer: RARE depends on states and provinces..There have barriers.. Lucky some people who made it their job. Who understanding Hearing imparied or Deaf doesn't matter.. Some people who have their problem attudies (likely close their mind) doesn't want welcome to Hearing imparied..

Kalboy wrote: I believe it is the deaf people’s responsibility to educate employers in order to reduce discriminations as result of ignorance on the employer’s part.

My answer: Yes They are worked hard to expose about alibity and educate employers.. Depend on Company who still on barriers. (likely who not willing challenge them)

Kalboy wrote: I agree with Eternity that being aggressive is a part of the solution and I need to add that a positive attitude is also essential. Remember, employers are the ones who will offer you a job and it is rarely for them to face a deaf applicant.

My answer: I applaud her what she had done worked hard and exposed them.. Think twice others Deaf people who are worked hard as tried.. hard to get a job.. No matter what how long takes.. Some Deaf who are lazy too. Ain't mine their decision.

In Ontario, Canada: who really cruel gov't HARRIS!!! Harris doesn't support for disablitly peoples. Now I'm glad New gov't LIBERAL.. I forgot his name.. (shame me)
I live in Ontario, Canada... I do know that many deaf people here have a hard time getting jobs because of how hearing people are not educated about the deaf culture.

For the USA, they have ADA. For Canada, it's very weak. We are behind but deaf people in Ontario are fighting for laws to change and so far, there are bi-bi programs in deaf schools now and ASL is allowed. The problem is in one law, it says "*company SHOULD hire an interpreter if deaf person asked*" Keyword, should. It doesn't mean they must. It means they should. We want to see it changed to MUST.

It takes time for us to educate. There are so many hearing people to educate. I have seen so many of my friends getting turned down. Usually people don't say why but usually it's because they are afraid of deaf people. We cannot sue them because if they don't say why then it is not discrimation. They can say, well you're not qualified enough. That is not discrimation. If they say, You're not qualified enough because you are deaf. That is discrimation. People know that. It takes time for things to change, meanwhile, I'd like to see ODSP change a few things. Help deaf people find jobs, help them start their own businesses if necessary and all that stuff.

The deaf people in the USA are very lucky. They have ADA. ADA has a lot of power.
I don't have a job yet but I don't need SSI or whatever to cover me up because I can still be fine as most of my relatives already have jobs and they get paid well, so even for me, it takes time for me to find one that can suit me well due to my deafness and stuff like that
Bullym0m said:
Of course I do applaud Eternity's aggersive. My pointview is... Is about "GENERAL" not about herself..
She had been aggersive her own and to find a job.. Did great job..

My point view: Wha.. about other Deaf people "WHO CANNOT WORK DUE THEIR HEALTH BY DOCTOR ORDERS" Can you discuss this ?? Do you still not approve about this ?

Okay.. Kalboy.. You're from Cailfornian.. Have you heard about other states or Canada (province) ?? My province is ONTARIO... Highest percent unemployment 80% which had been fusterate to find a job due HIGHLY DISCRIMATIONS.. I think you should carefully studies other states and canada (province). I advise you don't jump colucusin (sp)

kalboy wrote: It is rarely for a hearing person to understand the deaf culture and to provide accommodations to meet the deaf employee’s needs.

My answer: RARE depends on states and provinces..There have barriers.. Lucky some people who made it their job. Who understanding Hearing imparied or Deaf doesn't matter.. Some people who have their problem attudies (likely close their mind) doesn't want welcome to Hearing imparied..

Kalboy wrote: I believe it is the deaf people’s responsibility to educate employers in order to reduce discriminations as result of ignorance on the employer’s part.

My answer: Yes They are worked hard to expose about alibity and educate employers.. Depend on Company who still on barriers. (likely who not willing challenge them)

Kalboy wrote: I agree with Eternity that being aggressive is a part of the solution and I need to add that a positive attitude is also essential. Remember, employers are the ones who will offer you a job and it is rarely for them to face a deaf applicant.

My answer: I applaud her what she had done worked hard and exposed them.. Think twice others Deaf people who are worked hard as tried.. hard to get a job.. No matter what how long takes.. Some Deaf who are lazy too. Ain't mine their decision.

In Ontario, Canada: who really cruel gov't HARRIS!!! Harris doesn't support for disablitly peoples. Now I'm glad New gov't LIBERAL.. I forgot his name.. (shame me)

There exists a variety of degrees of physical disability that limits ones performance on jobs. Doctor’s order may or may not be a true indictor on whether the person can or cannot perform certain job; it is only a health advice that should be taken seriously. But I would definitely applaud someone if he/she overcomes some sort of physical disability and land a job.

It is sad to see that so many deaf people suffers in Canada without laws to protect their employment rights. I hope through education and legal reformation, things will become better in the future.
eternity said:
Why do we have to work or attend to college or welfare like ssi, adc, ssa, ssdi, and etc...?

I have two jobs which I work for 70-75 hours a week. Im planning go back to college in winter as my second year. There are some reasons why i have two jobs and college because it is part of life to depend on. First, I work both job to make my living. Second, I have to pay the bills for my home, car, college, foods, clothes, and my daughter. Third, I would be able to have my money budget better. Finally, both jobs are most priority so is college.

College is important for me to attend and finish it because I would be able to get a degree like Bachelor degree or Master degree that I can get a better and real job in the future. That is all it matters.

first of all, congrats i do admire you for being able to
have 2 jobs, college plus a daughter. i have to admit that
if i were in your shoes, i'd go CRAZY !!!! i love to go to
work, but i simply cannot tolerate or deal with
too many things together at the same time
which make me feel very overwhelmed and stressful.
if you can do them, good for you... i just cannot deal
with this. hope you realize that every person have
different level of energy etc.

according to my experience in the working world,
i must warn you that nowadays even if you get
a bachelor or masters degree, then this does NOT mean
that you will get a real job in the future anyway.

Many deaf graduates with Phd ended up working
for Dominos Pizza, post offices, janitors etc...

what im saying that the future keeps getting worse
and worse for deaf people. for example, if i want
a simple job such as an Administrative Assistant jobs,
i notice that almost all of them require
both computer work WITH answering phones together!!!!

How can we tell them to STOP that kind
of requirement to answer the phones as part
of the job ? This phone task MUST be separate;
if they want someone to answer the phone then they should
hire a person to answer the phone ONLY without
having to do another different tasks. If this hearing
person got the job to do answering the phone AND
doing typing work... then, i wish that
this should be "ILLEGAL" because of that typing work
has been taken away from any golden opportunities
for deaf people. Thats one of the reasons why
many deaf people gave up looking for simple jobs
and depend on SDI/SSI.

Is this our job to educate employers about this
whole thing ? Whose job is to educate employers
about job descriptions ??

Here is another example of WORSE Future for the deaf:

Many times when I tried to make many phone calls for
following up & trying to communicate with these
human resources people; they're always turning on
the answering machines ON and ON forever. Grrrrr.
Same thing with e-mail... more e-mail have
"automatic responses" so that way they do not
have to respond to you personally through e-mail. Grrrr.

This is very frustrating and annoying if I have to
wait near the TTY/phone all day long waiting and
waiting and waiting for them to call me back
for any potential job offers. No luck. Grrrr.

Many times have been wasted when we have to
go through these "interactive menu" with the
relay (e.g. Press 1 for new accounts, Press 2 for
changing passwords, Press 3 for customer service,
Press 4 for human resources, Press 5 for Alex,
Press 6 for Kevbo, Press 7 for Eternity, etc etc)

Does this whole thing make any sense ?

I do not mean to be very negative about this
whole thing, but that's the way it's been going on
in my career life. Unfortunately, I'm getting
laid off from my job after work there more than
12 years. I'm getting very very very stressful.
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Y says:according to my experience in the working world,
i must warn you that nowadays even if you get
a bachelor or masters degree, then this does NOT mean
that you will get a real job in the future anyway.

Many deaf graduates with Phd ended up working
for Dominos Pizza, post offices, janitors etc

I said: This is true.. but you mention DEAF? it's not just only DEAF.. it's also Hearing people too.. Many college graduates are having hard time finding a job.. both Hearing/deaf. it doesn't mater.. it's just general human.
My best friend just graduated with MA degree.. still having hard time finding a job.. and it's near 1 year already.. he graduated with Poliot carrer. and wants to work for northwest airlines as pilot or other job like pravite company.. he's struggling.. also other fact.. i read the newspaper a year ago.. many college graduates with BS degree or above.. is having hard time and they ended up working at mc donalds, warehouse, retail store, discount stores.. how sad is this? since the comapany can't afford to hire more people..

so i'm saying it's not just only DEAF.. it's also hearing peeps.

other warning thing.. you get MA, BA, BS, or whatever degree you get.. you find a job.. it doesn't mean that you'll have that job permentally.. because most companys are laying off people because they can't afford their high salary..
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Y says:according to my experience in the working world,
i must warn you that nowadays even if you get
a bachelor or masters degree, then this does NOT mean
that you will get a real job in the future anyway.

Many deaf graduates with Phd ended up working
for Dominos Pizza, post offices, janitors etc

I said: This is true.. but you mention DEAF? it's not just only DEAF.. it's also Hearing people too.. Many college graduates are having hard time finding a job.. both Hearing/deaf. it doesn't mater.. it's just general human.
My best friend just graduated with MA degree.. still having hard time finding a job.. and it's near 1 year already.. he graduated with Poliot carrer. and wants to work for northwest airlines as pilot or other job like pravite company.. he's struggling.. also other fact.. i read the newspaper a year ago.. many college graduates with BS degree or above.. is having hard time and they ended up working at mc donalds, warehouse, retail store, discount stores.. how sad is this? since the comapany can't afford to hire more people..

so i'm saying it's not just only DEAF.. it's also hearing peeps.

other warning thing.. you get MA, BA, BS, or whatever degree you get.. you find a job.. it doesn't mean that you'll have that job permentally.. because most companys are laying off people because they can't afford their high salary..

Bottom line is: the better the degree you have, the better the chance you will find a job that makes you happy.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Y says:according to my experience in the working world,
i must warn you that nowadays even if you get
a bachelor or masters degree, then this does NOT mean
that you will get a real job in the future anyway.

Many deaf graduates with Phd ended up working
for Dominos Pizza, post offices, janitors etc

I said: This is true.. but you mention DEAF? it's not just only DEAF.. it's also Hearing people too.. Many college graduates are having hard time finding a job.. both Hearing/deaf. it doesn't mater.. it's just general human.
My best friend just graduated with MA degree.. still having hard time finding a job.. and it's near 1 year already.. he graduated with Poliot carrer. and wants to work for northwest airlines as pilot or other job like pravite company.. he's struggling.. also other fact.. i read the newspaper a year ago.. many college graduates with BS degree or above.. is having hard time and they ended up working at mc donalds, warehouse, retail store, discount stores.. how sad is this? since the comapany can't afford to hire more people..

so i'm saying it's not just only DEAF.. it's also hearing peeps.

other warning thing.. you get MA, BA, BS, or whatever degree you get.. you find a job.. it doesn't mean that you'll have that job permentally.. because most companys are laying off people because they can't afford their high salary..

Yes, Both hearing and deaf people are having difficult times to find jobs..

and I still believe that it's more difficult for deafies to get job offers
Who would want to hire deafies ? Of course, they would prefer to
hire hearing people first then maybe hire deafies later if necessary.

and you are damn right that more companies cannot afford to
hire people with degrees due to high salary