Woo, I made it!!!


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
I made it :applause: I made it :applause: I made it :applause: Good Lordy it's about time to be part of the postwhore groupie here in AD :grouphug: ...Now now now it's my turn to dedicate my 5,000 posts!! :wiggle:

I dedicate this to Roadrunner ( my best friend/ boyfriend :naughty: ) , my fave twinie sis, Cheri and ALL my friends here in AD ( you know who you are ;) )...

I would also like to add a poem here for my only true lover Roadrunner :::ahem::: here it goes.... :aw:


As long as you love me,
I can do anything
no dream is impossible
no star is too distant to reach
I fly from the joy you bring
You're my first love
and my true love
Until I met you
I never knew love
I've been sent my own
piece of heaven from above
wrapped in the wings of something
divine and pure and fine
If I could capture all the stars
I'd send them to you
I hope you know how much
I need you here with me
and how much you always move
and inspire me
You're everything that love is
suppose to be...

I love you the mostest, the bestest and the greatest Brad...now I've said it first ;)
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Wow that's awesome dediction poem you've made to Brad!! Congratulation on your 5,000 posts. :hug: My dearest friend, Angel.
Hey, CONGRATS on your 5 thousand!!! ;)

That's so sweet of you to post a poem for Roadrunner!

:applause: WOW; YOU MADE IT, DEAREST SWEETIE ^ANGEL^ :applause:

Congratulation AGAIN on your 5,000 posts :hug:


Herzlich Willkommen zu Postwhore clubs

P.S. You wrote a beautiful peom for your Brad... :shock: wow!!!
Thank-you my sweet

twinie ^Angel^ for dedicated your 5,000 posts to me.

Congratulations ^Angel^ (Toostie) :hug:
to the postwhore club! You did it.

Let's party on now!
(jealous jealous) .. dang i guess i ain't good posting person! :D , just kidding.. hehe..

By the way , CONGRATS! Sis Angel-l-l-l-l-l .. damn that postwhore! *thuds* .. time for your legs close which no more typing anything here .. hehe! j.k

aww sweet poem *tears, sniffing, blowing my nose on my shirt* .. good one!! :)

TOF :giggle:
Congradulation Angel :hug:

:sniffle sniffle: What a nice poem you got for your Sweet Brad.

congraduation !!! .. ummm since i join AD and my post is very turtle in the history hehe ... glad that i am not that postwhore that i used to be .. but keep it up Angel !
Does that mean ^Angel^ gets 5,000 new halos? Congrats to ^Angel^ on her 5,000th post. I am freaky slow in posting in alldeaf. :o
tekkmortal said:
Does that mean ^Angel^ gets 5,000 new halos? Congrats to ^Angel^ on her 5,000th post. I am freaky slow in posting in alldeaf. :o

Not as slow posting as me! I'm turtle posting queen...I keep going and going, but posting ever so slowly until one day in my lifetime, I just might reach my 5,000 posts! Meanwhile, I enjoy smelling flowers, watching birds go by, say hi to everyone, give my friends and family my love, etc. Oh yes, taking my time to enjoy my strong coffee and peach cobblers. :thumb:

Here we go again...

Here is your Postwhore Medal...


Be sure to pin it to the nipple area of your shirt, let it swing free, stick your chest out and wear it proudly!!!

(You'll notice I didnt offer to pin it to her shirt - I dont wanna get my hand pecked by RR!!)

Again, congrats!!!!
Honey - this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fruit: :fruit: :fruit:

It is time to :party: :party: :party: to celebrate your entrance into PostWhore Club!!!!
Very nice poem, Angel and congrats on attaining that milestone!
Aw Thank you to all my dearest friends here in AD...I appreciate the nice comments here :grouphug: ...

To be honest, I didn't write that poem myself there I had help by looking into some greeting cards....I can't do poems like Roadrunner and the others can... :tears: ...

But I'm glad you guys like it so did I ;)....Let's hope my honeybunny will too.. :aw:

btw, Roadrunner hasn't seen this thread yet..... :Ohno:
Lev, yoohoo?

Lev, you're the honorary bartender at this party for Angel and her entrance into the PostWhore Club!!!

Time to start making your banana daquris, martinis and marquatias!!!

Let the good times roll!!!!!!!
hahaha DreamDeaf, :kiss:

Lev, get your little hairy butt in here since the party just started and make us all some of your delicious banana daquris, martinis and marquatias pretty please :kiss: ....

And I better not be last in line this time.... :D
