Woman Stabbed Man With Kitchen Knife for Calling Her 'Ugly'

That's wacko.

name-callings is not option, yeah. =/
If anyone ever call me name then I will say sure I am and you got problem with that. :D I wont let anyone insult me or lower my self esteem. :P That goes for my exh who have been calling me name and I said it back at him. Sure he didnt like it. Too bad. Sometime he swear at me and I will stay Hey watch your mouth or I will tell everyone what kind of person you are. He didnt like that either.

Never use name calling cuz it can ruin the self esteem. It is not our fault whether we are pretty or ugly just the way we were born with. And learn to live with it.
It is not our fault whether we are pretty or ugly just the way we were born with. And learn to live with it.

That s Bs. Everyone 's born with something inner/outer beauty. It is up to that person to make him or herself to be beautiful. High self-esteem does wonder for one being. Most successful people have such high-esteem regardless what tehy look like.

If anyone let remarks or comments come to her/him, then that person has serious issues with self-esteem and need to learn how to block out negatives. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
I was being called "ugly" by some idiots.. What did I do to them? Flip the bird at them.

Once in a while, I still get bad names from those people. :ugh3:
Shoulda gave her a gun because, afterall, "an armed society is a polite society." (or so they say.)
She isnt that bad looking!! He shouldnt say it. Maybe he was drunk or on drugs and spill out his mouth to say "ugly".. The article didnt tell much abt this man.
Yeah, and I bet she ends up getting custody of the kids if there is any. What amazes me though is if a man did the same thing he'd end up getting a sentence 2-3 times what this woman will get.
Personally, I'm trying to speak more romantically to women. Just last weekend I told my girlfriend she didn't sweat too much for a fat broad.

Real romantic, Chase. :roll:
Shoulda gave her a gun because, afterall, "an armed society is a polite society." (or so they say.)

“They” may say it, but it’s principle goes deeper than the sarcasm intended.

It comes from Robert A. Heinlein’s Beyond This Horizon. It’s not about giving some individual a gun to avenge a slur. Just the opposite. It’s about how manners as a whole become more important when a majority of able-bodied people within a society are armed, not only to protect themselves but their families and neighbors who can’t defend themselves.

Once more, I point out that places where guns cause the most trouble are those places where guns have been taken from average citizens so those thugs having illegal guns can flaunt their bad manners.
The Principle: If society was armed; members of society would be polite.

The Incident: She was armed; he wasn't polite.

Conclusion: It's not a principle; it's an ideology.
Your syllogism is serious flawed. Only three of the most glaring:

1. The individual wasn't carrying arms. She grabbed a kitchen knife to avenge an insult by surprise, not to repell a threat. The attacker is the epitome of those cowards choosing unarmed victims.

2. It begs the question in another way. Had the victim been armed, the attacker may have thought twice and insulted him back instead of behaving as there would be no immediate consequence for her actions.

3. This was the act of an bizarrely callous individual in an unarmed society. The principle works in an armed society and where the "polite" factor has been established.
Personally, I'm trying to speak more romantically to women. Just last weekend I told my girlfriend she didn't sweat too much for a fat broad.

You're STILL together after you said THAT to her??? You have a way with wimmen! :giggle:
The woman is not bad looking. What a pity!
No, by armed I mean possessing a weapon on one's person. Neither the victim (the man with the big mouth) nor the perpetrator (the woman with the short fuse) were armed at the time of the insult. She didn't pull a marine K-bar from a thigh sheath; she had to grab a kitchen utensil.

Still semantical slithering aside, the point -- Heinlein's point you quoted (an you brought up giving her a gun)-- is one or even several individuals arms is not an armed society and doesn't bring about civility so much as does an armed majority.