Woman Says She Couldn't Get Treatment For Collarbone Injury
ILES, Ind. --
An unemployed and uninsured Indiana woman recently went to desperate measures to get medical attention for an injury.
Authorities said Kathy Myers shot herself to make sure she would get help at the hospital for pain she's been suffering in her collarbone.
"This pain is unbearable," she said. "It's just maddening."
Myers said the pain was so bad, she thought putting a bullet in her shoulder would help.
"It went in there and come out there," she said.
The pain started last month, when Myers was playing with her dogs in the back yard.
"I grabbed him with my right hand and he pulled it backwards like that and I felt it pop in three places in my collarbone," she said.
The pain came on quickly and has only gotten worse. But Myers said it's been impossible to get more than a Band-Aid and a shot for the pain because she's out of work and can't afford health insurance.
"They'll see you and treat you, make sure you're stable, but beyond that they're not going to do anything," she said.
So, weeks later, Myers put ice packs on the front and back of her shoulder, tied them off, put pillows around her, put the gun to the top of her shoulder and pulled the trigger.
Minutes later, she was in an ambulance headed for the hospital. The wound wasn't serious and didn't hit anything major, so Myers was sent home in less than 24 hours.
"Nothing got accomplished," she said.
Police said the risk could have killed Myers.
"We would hope that most people would understand this is the extreme, and that they would not attempt something like this," Niles police Capt. James Millin said.
Woman Shoots Self To Get Health Care - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville