Woman Shares Ride in Truck With Bat


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Oct 19, 2003
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Woman Shares Ride in Truck With Bat

FOUKE, Ark. - Amanda Jones had a little trouble coming to grips with whatever was flying around in the cab of her truck. The creature, which flew in through her half-open window as she drove in darkness, was flapping around her head and neck. She swatted at it to try to make it go away.

"I thought it was a big moth. I never expected it to be a bat," Jones said.

It was about 1 a.m. Sunday that Jones learned the joys of suddenly sharing a ride with a bat. With one of her swipes, she knocked the animal down. When she turned on the interior light, she saw the still-living bat on the floorboard.

The bat had a wingspan of about 5 inches, she said. Jones finished the drive to her home in Fouke in far southwestern Arkansas.

"I went in the house. I didn't want to see it anymore. My husband went back out to the truck and it was hanging upside down from the truck seat. It wouldn't get out of the truck. He finally caught it in a Mason jar."

Bats can carry rabies and are responsible for many human cases of the illness. Since Jones isn't sure whether the animal bit or scratched her, she took the animal in for testing to the Miller County Health Unit where it was sent off to the state lab.

Results are pending on whether the bat was rabid.

"At the time it happened, I was freaking out," Jones said. "It flopped all the way down the side of my body."
Awesome! I swatted down a bat too a few months ago. It was at RIT in the Dining Commons building. My friends and interpreter was walking through that building. Suddenly, we saw something flying through the building. She was like, "Aww... how cute... a bird is flying in the building!" I looked at it carefully and then said, "No, that's no cute bird. That's a bat!" As soon as my friends heard that, they ran out screaming like some scared shitless kids! Hehehe! I tried to block it from going down the hallway by waving my hands and accidentally hit it. It fell to the ground for a moment, then flew outside when my friend opened the door. Hehehe!
I thought it was talking about a baseball bat.

I think I saw a bat fly at night int he balcony once, but I'll never be sure. I just don't think birds fly at night, that's why I think it must have been a bat.
I had to snicker what what Vampyrox said :lol:

Whoo, that's definitely an hair-raising adventure that lady's have had with that bat. Hope the result would not find the bat to be rabid! :ugh: