Woman sentenced 20 years for firing shot

That's it...all those "marchings and protests"!...For what?......She had no regard to those children in the home by firing a shot!...So IMO, the 20 years is right....Seems to me the Lawyers tried to make it look as if "she was the victim of domestic violence, and her husband was about to beat her up again"......When, she was the culprit also, giving the husband a "black eye", by going back to the home after shooting the gun, and giving him a black eye.....

Truely, it doesn't seem to me that she was "scared" of the husband after doing this!.....Another case here in Duval County, where a man got shot 6 times...he was a career criminal.....the Police ordered him out of the car with his hands in the air...but he refused, and bent down into the car...the Police had no knowledge if he was going after a gun....so he got shot 6 times....to find that he had drugs in his socks!...Was trying to hide them, as he was on probation....The man died (of course)!....and the Black community (along with the Black Panther Party)...were protesting and marching, along with bullhorns (even at the complex where my son lives).....calling the Police "White Devils"....

It makes "no sense" to me at all!.....
Wirelessly posted

Rocking'. I was in good ol' J-ville yesterday. I sure do not miss it there. Since I have moved out of there my boyfriend only heard sirens once in the house and it was an ambulance.
Wirelessly posted

Rocking'. I was in good ol' J-ville yesterday. I sure do not miss it there. Since I have moved out of there my boyfriend only heard sirens once in the house and it was an ambulance.

Understood very clearly!...I live in a pretty good area...I love Jacksonville. Been here since '74...off and on.
Perhaps 20 years would be long enough for her to realize that she had to think before taking stupid actions. She made two mistakes already so ten years for each mistake she made to think about.
Perhaps 20 years would be long enough for her to realize that she had to think before taking stupid actions. She made two mistakes already so ten years for each mistake she made to think about.

no. she got 20 for discharging her firearm.
Quote from Florida 10-20-LIFE -- Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences:

"Mandates a minimum 20 year prison term when the firearm is discharged"

That's what happened in this incident. It doesn't apply to SYG.

What's more, it states "10-20-LIFE has helped to drive down Florida's violent-gun crime rates by 30%". If you carry a gun and don't like that law, then don't live there.

or know the difference between Stand Your Ground and Aggravated Assault. and what you can and can't do as a law-abiding armed citizen.

10-20-LIFE is for criminals with guns.
Wirelessly posted

This is the reason why many people plea for a lesser sentence. She decided to play the victim and go ahead with the trial and got the 10/20/life slapped on her. She was in the wrong regardless. She was able to leave the room, once the shooting was over she went back and confronted him and have him a black eye and was rearrested for VOP. That is why she had no bond.
Many people are comparing this to Zimmermans case. If Zimmerman violates his bond he will be back in jail. If he doesn't plea he will have a longer sentence. But the fact is. One can not compare the two because Zimmerman have not be convicted yet. (I do hope he gets the max)
Wirelessly posted

This is the reason why many people plea for a lesser sentence. She decided to play the victim and go ahead with the trial and got the 10/20/life slapped on her. She was in the wrong regardless. She was able to leave the room, once the shooting was over she went back and confronted him and have him a black eye and was rearrested for VOP. That is why she had no bond.
Many people are comparing this to Zimmermans case. If Zimmerman violates his bond he will be back in jail. If he doesn't plea he will have a longer sentence. But the fact is. One can not compare the two because Zimmerman have not be convicted yet. (I do hope he gets the max)

there is one strong similarity in both cases - both used Stand Your Ground defense but the only difference is.... there's nobody alive in Zimmerman's case to dispute his self-defense claim.
Wirelessly posted

Yup, the similarity is that both defendants are abusing the SYGL.

Marissa Alexander’s husband says it was her violent nature that led to shooting

The husband who Marissa Alexander said abused her and put her in fear of her life said that it was her violent nature that ultimately led her to fire a gun during a domestic altercation landing her 20 years in prison.

“I never put my hands on Marissa Alexander,” said 36-year-old Rico Gray, accompanied by his son, Pernell, when he spoke with the media Wednesday at the State Attorney’s Office in Jacksonville.

Gray explained how the events unfolded that led to the August 2010 shooting and 2012 court case that have drawn national attention since the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Stand Your Ground developments.

He said it was Alexander, 31, who first began punching him after he confronted her about some text messages she had sent to her ex-husband.

Gray said he put his hands up in defense “buying time,” he said, for his sons to gather their belongings so he could take them and leave. But when he made the remark that their newborn baby must be fathered by her ex-husband, he said she immediately stopped.

She said, ’I got something for you’re a--,’ and walked away,” Gray said. “I knew exactly what she was going to do.”

Gray said she went to the garage, to her truck, to get her gun and then returned back inside the home. He said the garage door that she claimed to have been inoperable worked for him earlier that morning and later that day with no troubles.

“When she came back inside, the first thing I saw was her putting one [a bullet] in the chamber,” he said.

Gray said by the time his kids had come to his side to leave, she had the gun pointed at him. He said it seemed like the time he spent begging her to put the gun away was forever.

“As soon as I took my eyes off Marissa, that’s when I heard the gunshot,” Gray said.

He said he never looked back, grabbing the children and running out of the house and down the street.

Alexander was charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. A judge denied her immunity in a Stand Your Ground hearing in 2011. In March a jury took just 12 minutes to find her guilty of as charged.

Because of Florida’s “10-20-Life” statutes, Circuit Judge James Daniel had no power of discretion Friday when he sentenced her to the mandatory term of 20 years.

Alexander has maintained her innocence, saying she was trapped and had no choice but to fire a “warning shot” when Gray engaged her, threatening her, upon returning back inside the home.

Alexander rejected a plea deal that was offered the Friday before her trial that would have given her a three-year sentence. With her time already served, she could have been freed as early as next year.

Gray said he lied during an initial deposition, saying he had been the aggressor, because the couple had settled their differences and gotten back together. He said he didn’t want to see his wife go to prison.

But it was after Alexander assaulted him again less than five months later that he decided to no longer support her. She was charged with domestic battery in that incident, pleading no contest following her aggravated assault trial in March and was sentenced to time served.

Alexander’s supporters have said she feared her husband and only came to the house the day of the second attack to have him sign some insurance paperwork.

To help support his story, Gray displayed happily posed portraits of the couple and their baby, which he said could have only been taken after the shooting since the baby, born premature, was still in the hospital when the shooting occurred. The baby remains in his custody.

Gray has been arrested twice in Duval County for domestic abuse, one resulting in a conviction and a sentence of probation. An incident that occurred just months before the shooting led Alexander to file an injunction against Gray. She eventually adjusted it, prosecutors said, to allow the couple to be in each other's presence but still prohibiting any domestic abuse.

Marissa Alexander