Woman Only!!!!!


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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HI All womans on the AD....

It's really awesome to remeber when you are getting peroid... for me i don't keep tracking but this site help you to remember it.. it's really nice to have this site..

here the site.. www.agentlereminder.com
I don't keep a track on mine either, which I should have lol, but thanks for this!
Thanks anyway but I alway keep a track on my calendar for years. My mother taught me how to keep a track. It helps.
ive always been VERY unpredictable so a calandar wouldnt help :( -- but thanks CoolieFroggie! :D
One thing..
Some of us are on Birth Control pills, and it actually tells u when it comes, it would have two different colors,
White would be on ur non period, and the pink or an different color would be on your period cycle. :)