with love for nigeria


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
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i am ugheghe enoma victor from southern nigeria,born and bred in the great benin kingdom

i am hearing and speech impaired

i think i am the only african here cos i did not see too many here?
there may be more.. or was at a time..( african's)
anyway.. Welcome to AD!
Hi, I think we have some people from Africa. Not necessarily Nigeria though.
I hope this doesn't sound rude or anything but how do we know you really are a deafie from Niagria and not just a Niagria scammer pretending to be deaf?
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. There should be some Deaf community near your home or outside of your home like in the city where there are plenty of Deaf people in the communities. That is the advantage of living in the city where the Deaf people are. If you are living in the country like in the bush, then thre is hardly no deaf people in your community. If you want to meet Deaf people, then you need to find a place in the city where you can relate to Deaf communities. Anyway, I just hope you don't feel left out and be the only deaf person in your hometown. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
thanks Bebonang

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. There should be some Deaf community near your home or outside of your home like in the city where there are plenty of Deaf people in the communities. That is the advantage of living in the city where the Deaf people are. If you are living in the country like in the bush, then thre is hardly no deaf people in your community. If you want to meet Deaf people, then you need to find a place in the city where you can relate to Deaf communities. Anyway, I just hope you don't feel left out and be the only deaf person in your hometown. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

thanks Bebonang
that very rude of you

I hope this doesn't sound rude or anything but how do we know you really are a deafie from Niagria and not just a Niagria scammer pretending to be deaf?

that is very rude of you,how on earth do you think in a country of 150million people all are scammers?did not they have nigerian doctors,scientist,lawyers,engineer,nurse,footballer,basketballer in your country too?are they scammers too?

if you really want to know if i am a hearing impaired,i think you have to come to nigeria to meet me or send someone you know in your country embassy here to find out,i will kindly give mine address to you,what did you think?
that is very rude of you,how on earth do you think in a country of 150million people all are scammers?did not they have nigerian doctors,scientist,lawyers,engineer,nurse,footballer,basketballer in your country too?are they scammers too?

if you really want to know if i am a hearing impaired,i think you have to come to nigeria to meet me or send someone you know in your country embassy here to find out,i will kindly give mine address to you,what did you think?

Whoa! Deafdyke precisely said that didn't mean rude. Don't you realized that many people are victims by nigeria too?!? We were watching out and protect from frauds! okie :)... Take Easy!! :thumb:



Hello and Enjoying here! :)
Thank you Phillips!!!!! Unfortunatly your country is well known for scammers. Hopefully you're real....and it would be nice if you were real. On the other hand....it does seem kind of fishy that your grammar is pretty good (better then many Deafies) but still kind of has a "scammer" grammer about it.
You have to understand that many of us have been scammed by your countrymen, so we are very cautious about anyone claiming to be a Niagrain whatever.
Unfortunatly your country is well known for scammers.

i am not in supports of what a few bad elements of the society are doing but do we nigerian invent scam?in any society you do have the good,the bad and the ugly,there are worse scam going on in various part of the world but are not reports

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