Wished you were married???

*nod* yah twice. And I think u know whos 2 people.

btw peeps, the timing always there. No matter how old u are. :D
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
*nod* yah twice. And I think u know whos 2 people.

btw peeps, the timing always there. No matter how old u are. :D
I know 1...not sure who the 2nd one is.
WANTED: A WIFE....for a 32 yo Kiwi male whom is aging disgracefully....

Who can tolerate the political lobbying spectrum both Nationally and Internationally.

Live in a community that supports people with disabilities whom shares the philisophy of the international L'Arche network. http://www.larcheusa.org/

Travel-mate, camping-mate, soul-mate and being a great mate!

Be able to communicate well in a relationship (sorry- no expecting mindreaders please, communication is a priority).

and most of all.... have fun and enjoy doing new things...

I dunno if I will get any offers tho... but who knows... or I will have to take the stuffed Kiwi to bed again...

:laugh2: at WonderBum's WANTED ad !!!!

ahhhh for me, welllll don't expect my parents to have grandchildren cuz ......i ain't gonna get married at all !!!
Yes and No...
Well, I have been avoiding this thread..
Few reasons both marriages that i divorced in past are'nt very good (very BAD).. still sadden about it... because i would like to have long marriage years.. both of my ex that are short marriage years.. the soonest divorced with first ex was only 18 months.. 2nd one was only 2 years.
I shouldn't sad about it because my precious kids wouldnt be here if i didnt have marriages.. my life will be different...
Now, I have this man for almost 2 years. he wanted marry, I told him.. not now.. it broke his heart.. :sad: but now he understands. we are taking our time.. :D
*HUGS* Ms.Giglz... chick, you're not the only one. I had a failed marriage. I am 30 years old and married at 27 years old. I was raised to believe marriage was forever and it was something you took seriously which I did. I poured heart & soul into my marriage and sadly, my soon-to-be ex husband didn't do the same . I was with him for 5 years and we were married 2 years until our marriage dissipated because he did not follow the marriage vows. I fought to save the marriage but it was beyond repair. I learned from this experience that I can and will remarry again. I used to say "Marriage!! Been there and done that!!" I don't say it anymore because I have learned that I know I have a lot of love to offer. Marriage and commitment comes hand in hand just as patience and persistence comes hand in hand. :D
Originally posted by WonderBum
WANTED: A WIFE....for a 32 yo Kiwi male whom is aging disgracefully....

Who can tolerate the political lobbying spectrum both Nationally and Internationally.

Live in a community that supports people with disabilities whom shares the philisophy of the international L'Arche network. http://www.larcheusa.org/

Travel-mate, camping-mate, soul-mate and being a great mate!

Be able to communicate well in a relationship (sorry- no expecting mindreaders please, communication is a priority).

and most of all.... have fun and enjoy doing new things...

I dunno if I will get any offers tho... but who knows... or I will have to take the stuffed Kiwi to bed again...


:rofl: suggest u to post new thread WANTED! Good Lucky! ;)
Originally posted by knightwolf68
Know what ??? my dad married to third wife which is that he is 20 years older than her and i am 2 years older than her !! :eek:
eww :ugh:
Originally posted by TommyGirl
:rofl: suggest u to post new thread WANTED! Good Lucky! ;)

Seriously, am in no hurry... no time for a committed relationship due to my hectic lifestyle.... yet again... who knows whats around the corner...

If I was serious... I'd posted it all over the net...
Originally posted by Freaky
*HUGS* Ms.Giglz... chick, you're not the only one. I had a failed marriage. I am 30 years old and married at 27 years old. I was raised to believe marriage was forever and it was something you took seriously which I did. I poured heart & soul into my marriage and sadly, my soon-to-be ex husband didn't do the same . I was with him for 5 years and we were married 2 years until our marriage dissipated because he did not follow the marriage vows. I fought to save the marriage but it was beyond repair. I learned from this experience that I can and will remarry again. I used to say "Marriage!! Been there and done that!!" I don't say it anymore because I have learned that I know I have a lot of love to offer. Marriage and commitment comes hand in hand just as patience and persistence comes hand in hand. :D

how true.. thats what i felt.. i just cant look back.. it takes slowly process.. rid of things what i had in the marriages.. burned wedding pictures, or any both of them 's faces.. (even with kids in it.. i cut out and made scrap book so they wont *think that i throw away my kids' faces).. why did i do that because their dad didnt be there for them for 7 years.. why should i save them and talk about them.. even tho the kids hate him and disown him.. I
start feeling better, my man have been great support, make me strong.. but I still pull back and not sure.. he kick my butt alot of times.. we all have up and downs.. :) Life isnt perfect.. we always can make new Life and better..
Danny is the father of my daughter. Steel.

I'm sorry, giggle but look at urself, u got to where u are today and u have alot of us loving u so much because of ur jokes and everything. Dont worry about those assholes, they aint worth ur time. I dont waste my time with them because they're worthless. Getting the angry out and be calm about it. :D Knowing somebody did listened to u. :D Even tho for me, my angry is on-going and its hard to stop. I think I know how to stop but I have to deal with it first. :D Dont really wanna detail in here because it aint related in this. But... be well and laugh in their face because ur great person! :D